View Full Version : Hardwood vs softwood mix

10-29-2013, 08:45 AM
I currently have access to a large quantity of hardwood logs due to the growing gas industry in the area. I was wondering if anyone out there uses exclusively hard wood for firing the evaporator? Pros or cons? We have always mixed 50/50 or so but have free access to all the hardwood we can use.



10-29-2013, 11:47 AM

We had a hard gypsy moth season three years ago that killed alot of oak. I also had access to cords and cords of free dead hardwood. I mix softwood in at start up for a quick ripping fire and will fire just softwood the last 30 minutes or so of a boil otherwise its all hardwood. I found hardwood takes longer to get going at the start and of course takes longer to burn down at the end. I will time to time throw some softwood or a piece of pallet in to jumpstart it back to a raging boil if it seems to slow down


Ryan August
10-29-2013, 11:58 AM
I dont know what the best mix is, I just burn what ever I can find but I think the key here is "free". Will the syrup come out any diffenent if you use hard or soft wood? maybe a little slower with the hardwood but again free sounds the way to go.

10-29-2013, 04:31 PM
we did what maplewalnut describes, with a little more soft wood in the middle. Next season pellets.

10-29-2013, 05:12 PM
Pine and Hemlock here.

10-29-2013, 06:39 PM
We use Hickory, Beech, Oak, and Silver Maple from our woods.

maple flats
10-29-2013, 06:44 PM
Even though I have plenty on free (my sawmill slab) softwood, I get the hardest boil when I use just hardwood. It does take a little longer to get going but my way works very well. I have a bulk propane tank connected to the sugarhouse and I ran a manifold along one wall. To one of the outlets I connect a 500,000 BTU weed burner torch. This is my lighter. I stack the wood alternately crossed each layer, fill the firebox about 2/3 full and use a propane torch to light the big torch. Then I set that torch on a metal chair with the flame head resting on the arch feed door frame and the flame going between the spaced firewood going front to back on the lowest layer. I run the torch at 2/3-3/4 full and do a few other things while it gets going. I usually let it go 2-3 minutes, in that time the fire is fully involved. Then I turn the big torch off and hang it up for next time and turn on my HP air blower. From a cold start I have a boil in about 10-15 minutes and a full boil in 15-20 minutes. My bulk propane tank runs my torch, canner, HW heater (tankless) and 2 finishers and it only runs me about $120-140 a year.
Then after I have a hard boil, I start mixing in some soft, if the boil slows I use just hard a fueling cycle or two and then start mixing again. While softwood gives you more flame, it does not give more total heat in the firebox.