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View Full Version : material list for a Davy Jones set up?

10-28-2013, 09:42 AM
I currently boil on an old barrel stove up and I plan to upgrade this year hopfully. I have been admiring the homemade arches similar to the one Davey posted on sketch up site and was wondering if anyone ever come up with a materials list for Davy Jones's evaporator. i.e. how many feet of angle iron and sheets of steel?
What Gauge of sheet metal does every use to skin there evaporator with? would 16 gauge be adequate?

Thanks Jamie

10-28-2013, 02:01 PM
I don't have a materials list, but I skinned mine with 22g stainless (scrap flip top garbage cans from a dumpster) and it is more than adequate. My bricks are all supported by angle or strapping. The skin is primarily for appearance and to make it airtight(ish).

16g would be overkill and a lot harder to work with.

01-08-2014, 07:52 AM
You can use whatever you want, depends on how much you want to spend. I used scrap I already had and the side of mine is diamond plate. You may be able to use bed frame angle if you have to. I think if you check the sketch up site it gives the measurements so just add everything up from there. I used that design and wish I had gave it some thought before putting it together, the firebox is small so it requires me to custom cut all my wood for it.

maple flats
01-08-2014, 10:45 AM
Commercial arches are mostly 24 ga. skins with a few at 22 ga. and some at 26 ga. Don't need 16 ga. unless you are using up what you have. As stated above, the skin is only appearance, the strength is in the angle iron and even that is not very heavy in most arches.

Super Sapper
01-08-2014, 11:18 AM
I used bed frame for most of mine except the top rail. I skinned it with used appliance skins. I also used unistrut for a grate with the open end up and it held up pretty good so far.