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10-20-2013, 06:50 PM
What are the differences between Baume and Brix? I have never made maple syrup and this next spring will be my first year so im just trying to figure all this stuff out. Thanks in advance.


10-21-2013, 05:43 PM
MImaplerunner - It is just two different scales for measuring density of a solution. In our case - sugar in solution. Instead of going into a lot of detail here. Just type in Baume Scale --- and Brix Scale -- on your search engine. It will explain it all to you and the history of the Gentlemen who developed the scales. ----Mike----

10-22-2013, 08:45 AM
Thanks for the info I appreciate it!!!! Which one is better to use or are they pretty much the same. Thanks for the help I appreciate it! :)

10-23-2013, 05:17 PM
Really doesn't make much difference - to me at least. My Syrup Hydrometers also have two red lines on the Baume/Brix scales. Which indicate at Syrup hot and cold. They also come with a simple set of instructions and easy to follow. When using a hydrometer - remember they are glass - so gently lower into your test cup - because if the syrup is still to thin - it will drop like a stone and could break on the bottom of your test cup. When Your maple syrup is getting close it will float and if your went to far (which seldom happens) it will want to jump out of the test cup. I usually pull it off a line or so before the hot red line so as not to overdo it. When You go to far it wants to go to sugar. Remember - when you are getting close to maple syrup you have to watch things a lot closer. Also - keep some defoamer or butter - oil etc. on hand so if it really starts to foam on you - you can knock it down in a hurry and keep it in the pan. Hey - Always an adventure and fun making maple. ------Mike------

10-29-2013, 10:09 AM
Thanks Mike I really appreciate it!!!

10-29-2013, 04:35 PM
Thanks Mike I really appreciate it!!!

You are very welcome. That's why we are all here - to help each other. I have learned very much on this Site. The most important - I think - was using a Syrup Hydrometer. -----Mike-----