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View Full Version : Grate size on 2.5 & 3ft. arch?

Bucket Head
09-22-2013, 09:22 PM
Hi Guys,

Is the length of the grates on a 2.5 and 3ft. wide arch the same as its width? What width arch do you have and how long are the grates? I've seen 30" arches with 29" long grates but never actually measured a 3 footer.

Are the grates supposed to be as long as the syrup pan(s)? Would a 30" arch with a 3ft. long syrup pan be better off with 3ft. long grates?


Bucket Head
09-23-2013, 08:21 PM
Hello? Anybody?

Anybody out there know the length of their grates on their 3ft. wide arch?


Super Sapper
09-24-2013, 04:17 AM
I would thnk that you would run the grates the entire length (depth) of your firebox. The depth of your firebox could depend on whether or not you plan on using AOF as they seem to like a larger firebox. I personally would go with a larger firebox as you can always brick or blanket it to make it smaller if you want.

09-24-2013, 07:14 AM
The grates on my 3X12 leader arch are 30 inches long and have a 5ft syrup pan on it. Ive seen a couple other 3ft arch makes with shorter syrup pans but still have the same length grate. So someone please correct me if I'm wrong here but I dont think the length of the syrup pan has anything to do with the length of the grates.

Bucket Head
09-24-2013, 04:34 PM
Thanks for the info. I guess 30" must be the standard length for 2.5 -3ft. wide rigs.

If I could make my firebox any length I wanted, and grate it to match, would a 3ft. firebox along with a 3ft. pan be a good match?
