View Full Version : Any Idea

09-15-2013, 01:11 PM
Hauling wood out for next year and shut Kioti 30hp off to talk to buddy and tractor would not start again. No clicking from starter or anything. Dash lights work to warm glow plug up but no start. Checked battery cables all tight and battery checked ok. Four ways work with key off as do turn signals. Checked all fuses and made sure not in gear etc etc all ok. Checked power to starter and no go. No power going to starter. Have checked for broken wires, everything and have found nothing. So she sits.:(

09-15-2013, 02:54 PM
might be a neutral safety switch, possibly for the pto or seat? Must be something stupid.

09-15-2013, 04:00 PM
Agree with the safty switch. You may have bumped the PTO when you got off just enough that it will not start

09-15-2013, 04:45 PM
a third vote for neutral safety switch. For our 15 year old kubota the adjustable steering collum has to be in the exact right spot for the safety switch to be good to go. jiggle the shuttle shift as well...

09-15-2013, 04:55 PM
Check neutral switch as has been said. I have one that the pto lever is bent and sometimes I have to hold it while I turn the key. If jiggling levers while holding key does not help you need to start checking these switches with a tester.

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-15-2013, 06:08 PM
dont need all those dam safety switches, I bypassed them all on my riding lawn mower. blades stop moving when put it in reverse not any more hehehe.
In all seriousness i agree with every one else

09-15-2013, 06:24 PM
You can say there is something in the water; but there are two guys in my town that would be alive today if they had those darn safety switches.
Case #1 Case tractor tractor in shop, changed the starter. Guy started the tractor and the clutch seized... tractor started and ran the tractor thru the wall and cut the driver in half.

Case #2 Farmer had hard time starting a 806. always had to put either to it to start. Shot it in the manifold plug and hit the start button she was in gear...roared to life over him thru the shop wall to a tree, where the fire dept jumped on from the back and shut it down. driver DOA.

Case #3 When I was a kid...tractor salesman helping load a tractor on a trailer for customer. He showed them how to start the tractor. Told customer don't put your foot on the clutch and it wont start. when thru everything and told customer to hit the switch...tractor roared to life and ran him down...died two weeks later of internal injuries. Clutch switch was wired backwards. Switch was recalled. Tom still died.

Those are called idiot switches for a reason...we all have moments where we need to wear our signs. That way our friends can save our asses from time to time.

There are usually at least three of those idiot switches, PTO, Clutch, and netral for range lever. If it breaks... fix it FAST. I don't need to loose any more friends. Thanks You.

09-15-2013, 06:37 PM
Yep I hear you about the safety switch. Do not have one on seat but will jiggle things around as far as PTO ETC. Thanks for the input. I do like safety switch gadgets and like ya said something stupid.

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-15-2013, 06:53 PM
Just Kidding about removing the safety switches on a big tractor people

09-16-2013, 11:59 AM
You don't say if your tractor is gear or hydro.
My 855 wouldn't start one cold morning. I had bumped the hydro pedal slightly off center while getting on and it was cold out so did not spring right back to center. Scratched my head for a while until I figured it out as it "looked" centered.
If you have a good battery and everything else has power, most likely a safety switch.

Each tractor is a bit different, but cycle them all one at a time.
Parking Brake

BTW - all my tractors (big and small) have all their safety switches in place. ROPs is up and belt is on. Small inconvenience when compared to the alternatives. I too have lost friends to tractors.


09-16-2013, 03:12 PM
And remember that getting "used" power back to the negative battery terminal is equally as important as getting power TO the device. You may want to take one side of a set of jumper cables and connect the engine block to the negative battery terminal.
If you are SURE that you can have your machine in neutral, you can "jump" power to the small terminal on the starter solenoid. This will by-pass EVERY safety switch, ignition, starter button, fuses, etc. on your engine. Again, be SURE you are in neutral and look around you for every possible thing that could go wrong before you do this. I suggest you leave the ignition off or your fuel shut-off in the off position so if and when the engine rolls over, it will not start. You do not need your ignition to be "live" or "hot" to see if this works. If this gives no response, you can supply the starter with power direct from the battery with the other side of your jumper cables.
Be sure you have enough basic understanding of what you are attempting here. If you are going to just guess, please do not attempt any of his.

Are we going to take up a collection for the lonely widow and when is the estate sell. Might have some good maple equipment

09-16-2013, 07:05 PM
Same problem on mine, everithing electrical works except starter. just remove neg. wire bolt on tractor frame, clean rust and all is ok

09-16-2013, 07:41 PM
rayi...thanks for jumping in there!
Guys:o...GOD gave you a brain....PLEASE use it! Take the jumper cables hooking red end one to hot terminal and black to solenoid terminal.
Now connect end two red and black together to complete the circuit.


Everyone of them was 100% certain it was out of gear. :confused:

Please learn from the mistakes of others and figure a safe way to do these checks.

It is worth a trip to the hardware store to get some wire and a switch to make a simple check switch. Whos life is not worth a 19.99 test light and an hour of travel time. Hell what's your address I will ship one of mine to you! Then you send it to the next guy that has a problem like this.

Get a buddy to hold the key while you; at a safe location, check it out. Read Case #1...he thought he was fine; didn't realize he messed up the clutch while working on the tractor.

Guy named Ray got off a farmall M baling hay. In the tractor set he had two legs. When he hit the ground...1. The other was with his paints on the pto he left running.
about 6 years ago friend was agitating a manure lagoon with a 250 hp JD on a manure pump. Got to close to the PTO and....tractor was found running.

16 year old boy jumped on mixer wagon tire to look inside. It took 8 hours of sifting to find 25 pounds to put in the casket for his mom.

I have a few more if you need any more reasons you stay out of harms way.

The next two will be of family members that were lucky and lived. Luck...they spent years in rehab, and one still gets surgeries from an accident nearly 20 years ago.

I would rather not go there!

09-16-2013, 08:39 PM
Call a Kioti Dealer!

09-16-2013, 09:02 PM
Anyone heard of Charles Darwin ?????

09-17-2013, 05:21 AM
My 10 year old 3130 Kabota got stuck luckily in the sugar house driveway. Tried everything, checked safety switches, battery, lights came one, would not start. Called a buddy who has
the same tractor and he sent over his son who removed and cleaned all of the fuses, added a little dielectric grease and the tractor started.

09-17-2013, 04:42 PM
Jumped it and got it down to garage. Dealer showed up this morning early. We had checked just about everything and had found nothing prior to . He checked all the wires etc etc, pulled apart a relay that was on the firewall and tapped it a little and cleaned connections and plugged it back in and FIRED UP! Have used it all day hauling wood and shutting it off and no problems. Only thing he could figure was with pounding around that it got loose and shut down and or crap getting in it. Also found a mouse nest under dash after taking it all apart, nobody home in the nest, and tractor is used year round. They like the warmth! Keep going he said and if it stops again we now know. Cost for two hours of checking wires etc etc Twenty bucks and a hot cup of coffee.:cool:

09-17-2013, 06:29 PM
Congratulations, and you're still ALIVE!!

09-17-2013, 06:37 PM
Glad to hear it was something dumb. But now you know where all the other stuff is ....chock it up to a learning experience.

Flat Lander Sugaring
09-17-2013, 07:24 PM
Anyone heard of Charles Darwin ?????

thanks FDA thought same thing but didnt want to get hung again