View Full Version : Feed Pump Seal Replacement

Amber Gold
08-26-2013, 07:45 AM
Last season the feed pump (Gould J10 I think) on my RO was leaking, so the manufacturer sent me a new pump cover o-ring and a mechanical seal. Are there any special tools required to replace the mechanical seal? The manufacturer told me to send it somewhere because it was technical and needed special tools...I wanted to confirm first before I did.


08-26-2013, 10:01 AM
Contact your local FW Webb Store. They can assist you. If the local store can't help they have specialty pump dept. out of headquarters as for that number.

08-26-2013, 08:18 PM
This is not hard to do BUT it is easy to damage a mechanical seal of you are not cautious with it. Based on a quick look at the exploded parts diagram for the J series pumps the only " special" tool might be a pick to remove the old seal and a small puller to pop the impeller off the shaft. If you are not comfortable taking apart and putting things back together i would look for assistance. If you are then don't let a mechanical seal scare you. The key is to not damage the carbon parts on the seal. The seal is in two sections, a part that is made to turn with the shaft and a part that is made to seal against the pump casing and not rotate. The precision carbon (or ceramic) flat faces that rub against each other are the delicate parts. The rubber part that slides over the shaft and the o-ring on the outside of the stationary part are not delicate at all.

When you handle the new seal is is best to not touch it with bare hands and also when you push the stationary part into the casing and the rotating part onto the shaft you must lubricate with a light lubricant. They make a o-ring grease that is made for this but you really only need a light smear of a light grease with the consistency Vasoline; i suppose veg oil would work to alleviate the cry's of thats not food safe. Do not get this grease on the delicate carbon parts and push only with your fingers trying to apply pressure as evenly as possible. If you do get crud (including finger prints) on the seal surfaces don't panic, just clean it off with breakleen (or carb cleaner) and tissue or a lint free rag. don't nick or chip the seal while putting it back together. Be sure to clean all parts and lubricate all the o-rings to ensure they slide together easily. a dab of anti-sieze is good on all the hardware.

I like to lay the parts out on cardboard in the order they come out of the pump. Then i don't forget things. Also do not put power to the pump if it does not turn free when you put it back together, take it back apart and figure out what you screwed up.

This work is very do-able good luck!

Amber Gold
08-27-2013, 12:08 PM
I sent an email to Webb and we'll see what they say.

Not scared to take stuff apart and prefer to work on stuff myself...saves $$. He made it seem like a big deal, but if that's all it is, then I'll do it. It's actually a JS10 pump if it makes a difference. Can you send a link to the parts diagram?


08-27-2013, 02:37 PM
Not sure about your pump but my Goulds 2ST pump was easy to change the mechanical seal in. Impeller came off pretty easy, too.

Amber Gold
08-28-2013, 03:56 PM
I'm sure they're all about the same.

08-28-2013, 06:00 PM
Google Goulds j10s parts... first hit after the ad's
