View Full Version : Fermented Syrup to Granulated Sugar?

08-14-2013, 01:11 PM
Has anyone tried using fermented syrup to make granulated sugar?

Brian Ryther
08-14-2013, 07:45 PM
Yes, it works. It depends on how bad it is as to how the sugar will turn out. I would not use it a stand alone product. It is good for things like maple jerky, sausage etc..

08-15-2013, 08:13 AM
Yes, it works. It depends on how bad it is as to how the sugar will turn out. I would not use it a stand alone product. It is good for things like maple jerky, sausage etc..

Thanks. I am thinking of blending it in with good syrup for making sugar. It appears that one of my 5 gallon barrels has a bad cap.

11-28-2013, 01:45 PM
I had good success turning a fermented five gallon jug into sugar. The foaming was a bit trickier to control due to the alcohol boiling off, but it worked well and the flavor is fine.

11-28-2013, 03:52 PM
cool. Ive found that if I just pour a couple gallons at a time into the intake side of my front pan, it comes out the draw off just perfect