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View Full Version : syrup grades

08-11-2013, 12:35 PM
This upcoming season will be my first, so i was wondering. Is there any way to insure what grade your outcome will be? Or do you just get whatever you get?

08-11-2013, 12:53 PM
There are a lot of factors that control the syrup grade, some you can control such as cleanliness and how long sap sets before boiling. Some you can't control such as sugar content of sap and the daily temperature. For the most part you get what you get but sound clean practices will improve your grade. That being said the color is not as important to me as flavor and some of the best tasting syrup in my opinion is medium to dark.

08-11-2013, 10:40 PM
Me too, i love the dark amber. If possible i want to put in any extra work i can to help my syrup lean toward the darker side!

maple flats
08-12-2013, 05:15 AM
As said above, cleanliness. Another factor is how soon the sap is processed into syrup, the faster, the lighter. I also prefer Dark Amber for flavor, but I pack most med and light in glass because it "looks nicer". I also pack dark in glass but I find more glass sales are for gifts and they are looking for pretty.

red maples
08-12-2013, 03:17 PM
like the others said after the cleanliness and holding factors are taken into consideration, a longer boil on a flat pan will create darker more flavorful syrup. but with 40 taps I am guessing your not selling a lot mostly for yourself and family and gifts I would say. Grade is 90% color 10% flavor. if it tastes good then it goes by color. You will get what you get.

The main thing is if it tastes good then that's what counts and when you make it yourself it will be the best syrup you ever had..... as long as you do it right!!! :) Also if these are the first time these trees have been tapped I would guess your sugar will be a little higher and you may have some nice light stuff. good luck.