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View Full Version : Lapiere Mainline Lashing Tool

halfast tapper
07-29-2013, 05:38 PM
Has anyone bought this yet? Does it work? Where did you buy it? I have talked to 3 or 4 dealers and they don't even carry one. I emailed the guy that the catalog says to and no response after several emails. Seems like it would work good but don't know.

07-29-2013, 07:30 PM
Has anyone bought this yet? Does it work? Where did you buy it? I have talked to 3 or 4 dealers and they don't even carry one. I emailed the guy that the catalog says to and no response after several emails. Seems like it would work good but don't know.

I would call their store in Swanton and ask for Tom.

Lapierre USA Inc.

102-Airport Access Road
Swanton, Vermont
Phone : 802 868-2328

Moser's Maple
07-29-2013, 08:04 PM
I have been told the machine is not for sale, but rather you rent it with a person that comes to your place to use it. have also been told you can buy a hell of a lot of galvanized ties for the price the machine is going to run you

07-29-2013, 08:17 PM
Send and e-mail to Steve.Bedard@elapierre.com. The folks at the manufacture are French and don't speak English. Steve can assist you with the product and he is familiar with the product. Steve is the Ontario rep for Lapierre and he is bi-lingual. The tool is very expensive. The arrangements for purchase are direct with the manufacture. Lapierre does not sell the product direct.

halfast tapper
07-29-2013, 08:18 PM
I have called Tom and talked to him 3 times , everytime said he would get me more info, nothing .

halfast tapper
07-29-2013, 08:20 PM
Send and e-mail to Steve.Bedard@elapierre.com. The folks at the manufacture are French and don't speak English. Steve can assist you with the product and he is familiar with the product. Steve is the Ontario rep for Lapierre and he is bi-lingual. The tool is very expensive. The arrangements for purchase are direct with the manufacture. Lapierre does not sell the product direct.

Thanks for the info, I will try steve.

07-30-2013, 05:36 AM
I have called Tom and talked to him 3 times , everytime said he would get me more info, nothing .

at least you got to talk to Tom. I have called countless times, left message with receptionist, and never heard back.

I typically call Chris at Mapleguys and have him get me an answer on anything Lapierre. The sales experience from Swanton's Lapierre outlet leaves a lot to be desired.

maple flats
07-30-2013, 06:41 AM
Check out cable lashers online, even Ebay. Likely Lapierre only uses one of these, triples the price and sells it as a maple tool. I see one on Ebay used, at $1275 buy it now price.

jason grossman
07-30-2013, 07:05 AM
I have used lashing wire for many years and just built a tool myself. two hours of time and $25 dollars in materials. build a tool it is much easier.

07-30-2013, 01:15 PM
Can you post some pictures.

07-30-2013, 07:56 PM
If you guys are talking about what I think you are just look for an electic rebar tie tool. An industrial tool supplier should have one, like fastenal for example. Probably just have to make sure the jaws are big enough to fit the mainline your tying....and use galvanized wire spools. We looked at getting one a few years ago for tying our rebar and it seems as though they were in the 1000-1500 dollar range

maple flats
07-31-2013, 07:03 AM
I have used lashing wire for many years and just built a tool myself. two hours of time and $25 dollars in materials. build a tool it is much easier.
Jason, please show us what you made for $25 as a lashing tool. Lashing is not just twisting the loop ended wire ties, lashing is wwinding a continuous wire around both the support wire and the tubing being lashed (originally lashing a communication cable to a support cable). The lashing tool is pulled along and travels along as it wraps a wire around the 2 (or more) to support. This wrap typically makes one revolution around the bundle every foot or so.
If you made one of these for $25 and a couple of hours, you should make them and go into business selling them. Get a patent on them because you will have a gold mine for sure. Lashing tools are typically used by the phone line workers. The lashing wire is dispensed as it travels along the cable and the cable being lashed is pulled up to the support cable as it travels along. The lashing tool it pulled along by a rope or strap by hand from the ground and the cable (or maple tubing is on the ground pulled straight under the support cable (or wire). I'll give you $250 for one of these that you made as long as it will lash as described. Please send pictures and a short video, along with payment details.

07-31-2013, 01:26 PM
We use 1/4 mile rolls of aluminum 16 ga electric fence wire for lashing the pipe to the wire. It goes on much faster then the wire ties although we use ties as well. Simply pass the spool from hand to hand and around the pipe and wire. We first pull the wire and the pipe tight and put wire ties on every 50 feet or so. No we haven't had problems with the aluminum lashing wire interacting with the zinc on the support wire. Been doing it this way for 20+ years.

jason grossman
07-31-2013, 05:46 PM
my tool is a hand tool it does not travel on the mainline. you cant use that the way i install. it is very hard and takes way too much time to take the j2 lasher and jump it around side ties, saddles, Ys, etc. lashing is the last thing i do because once you run lashing it is hard and time consuming to try and put saddles in. sorry i am alittle slow on the computer and posting pictures is not something i know how to do, maybe i can get my wife to do some sometime. the tool is just a 8in handle and two dics to hold the spool of wire. you just pass the spool around the tubing as you walk. i use 1200' spools of s.s. wire. i have talked about this in the past somewhere on this site. it's fast and much better than wire ties when you are building a 15yr+ system. typically i can lash 1000 ft of mains in less than an hour. it's not easy and takes a little practice and is an art(to do it right).

07-31-2013, 08:36 PM
Update on the lashing tool found in Lapierre catalog Page 39 is no longer being manufactured by LOAC. You might want to consider something like this. http://gmptools.com/nf/86070.htm

Price Sheet: http://gmptools.com/nf/86070.htm

This is not an endorsement of this equipment but it appears that it would be effective in the bush for lashing pipe.

halfast tapper
07-31-2013, 10:49 PM
I spoke with Steve from Lapierre. He told me it was discontinued, they had some problems with it but when it worked it worked well. The other problem was the 5500 dollar price tag on it.:o
The tool looked good to me, looked like it was a lot lighter than a regular lashing tool.

Well thanks for all the input on this. Maybe someone will take this idea and make it into a real tool we could use, and be able to afford to buy. Would be nice to be able to do 10,000 feet of mainline in a day versus 1 to 2 thousand feet now.


08-01-2013, 08:44 PM
Friend of mine has a relative that works for the phone company. His mainline is all lashed. Not sure how that happened. If you know somebody?

Moser's Maple
08-01-2013, 09:05 PM
at 5500 you can hire a lot of high school kids to twist tie the line all day :cool:

08-02-2013, 07:11 AM
It would buy two automatic rebar tiers

08-02-2013, 09:41 AM
Reach out to your local 4-H or FFA club for some helpers. Check out your local schools soccer team. Soccer=90 minutes of full out hustle, no pads or time outs. They make the best workers. You just might find a great helper for years to come if you pay them good. Besides they will be a lot cheaper than a $5000 lasher you are going to use for a few hours a day every few years.

08-02-2013, 10:00 AM
I thought lappiere sold pre lashed mainline that may be option does anybody know if they do or not.

08-02-2013, 10:10 AM
Here's one on eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/C2-Cable-Lasher-/181184740414?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a2f73bc3e and those rebar tiers can be had or a few hundred on eBay also.

halfast tapper
08-03-2013, 06:23 AM
The rebar tying machine would work to, the only thing is can you get rebar tying wire in stainless. I remember 30 years ago you could only get the wire ties in steel only, after about 8 years they started rusting off.
With a lasher you can use stainless wire.

NH Maplemaker
08-09-2013, 09:39 AM
I'm a retired lineman from Verizon and have lashed miles and miles of cable over my 32 years of employment! The cable lashers that utility companies us need a much larger support wire to travel on than most mainline have! There are 2 wheels in the under side of the lasher that rides on the support cable which turns the lasher barrel which holds the wire that gets turned around the cable (main line)!
Are first orchard was done using a lasher, but we used 1/4 inch stranded support cable which is still being used to this day 30 years later.

08-09-2013, 10:30 AM
I thought lappiere sold pre lashed mainline that may be option does anybody know if they do or not.

Yes you can purchase pre-lashed mainline. But you need to allow for some extra time to order the product. It is lashed to order by an outside firm usually allow 4 week lead time.

08-09-2013, 10:56 AM
Delivron do you know ow much it is per ft?

08-09-2013, 11:12 AM
The rebar tying machine would work to, the only thing is can you get rebar tying wire in stainless. I remember 30 years ago you could only get the wire ties in steel only, after about 8 years they started rusting off.
With a lasher you can use stainless wire.

You can buy the wire spools with galvanized wire. You are right, you don't want to use steel.

08-09-2013, 09:15 PM
I have used some pre lashed Lapierre mainline. It for sure takes longer to put the saddles on. One thing I didn't like was the wire spirals so it doesn't stay in the same place sometimes its on top sometimes its underneath. Another thing is that it is 9 gauge wire and I use 12.5 so I needed special crimps so I could use my 12.5 on the ends. I also ended up putting more ties on as to keep the wire tighter. I had 2000' roll of 3/4" its almost gone. I won't get it again its not worth it. You can tie pretty fast with an automatic tie tool I am hoping to work on a tie holster of some sort that might speed things up more. To each his own of course.

08-10-2013, 07:08 AM
Delivron do you know ow much it is per ft?
Please send me a e-mail at Lapierre@northwayllc.com will get you a quote early next week.

02-06-2017, 06:48 AM

02-06-2017, 12:11 PM
I have a limited number of hand lashing tools in stock. They hold a 1,200 Ft coil of .045SS430ACW which is 6.5#s
The wire can be purchased thru centurywireproducts.com
These are similar to Jason Grossman's tool.
Send me a PM for more information.