View Full Version : Power outage causes candy failure

Bruce L
07-21-2013, 05:53 AM
My son and I went to a show yesterday to move some maple syrup, sugar and butter. We got all set up, had the candy machine ready, I had a pot of syrup boiled ready to dump in to make maple sugar in front of the crowd, then the power went out for 4-5 hours. The syrup had cooled off so much it wouldn't move in the pan, so it took another hour of heating on the electric grill I had along, managed to run it through so people could watch, but I quickly put that sugar aside before anyone wanted it as it was dropping out of the machine almost like granulated sugar, and did not even set up in the molds. I will be doing another batch today, storm problems are hopefully over as I only have 3 pieces of sugar left to sell from stock I had taken down yesterday.

07-21-2013, 09:52 AM
I feel your pain. Lost power in the shack this spring during a windstorm. Nothing like losing all the blowers in the middle of the boil. Lesson learned and genie on standby.

07-23-2013, 07:25 AM
we brought our cotton candy machine to a 4th of july fireworks show. with 8/ 10,000 people expected, i didnt want to take any chances, so i brought along the generator. sure enough, when other vendors started plugging into the one power service, breakers started to kick. so i fired up the generator, switched around some wires and everyone made it through the night