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View Full Version : Does defoamer change the flavor or appearance of syrup?

07-08-2013, 11:55 AM
We have been producing syrup for 6 years, but have never used a defoamer because we have opted to scoop out the foam as it develops. However, we are considering adding a preheater that would not allow us to scoop out foam. My question is will using defoamer, specifically ATMOS 300K defoamer, change the flavor or appearance of the finished syrup. Our syrup has always been a nice light amber color and we would like to keep it that way if we can.

Daves Maple Farm
07-08-2013, 12:46 PM
We find defoamer has no effect if you don't get carried away with it. We put one (drop) in as needed and have had no problems. We add it at the float box, and if we suspect that the finish pan is about to caramelize (sp) we put a drop in and get things settled down a bit. We will also scoop out some foam even thought we add defoamer. Hope this helps.

07-08-2013, 04:34 PM
Here is the MSDS.


I don't use any defoamer any more, I had a hard time answering questions if additives were used.