View Full Version : Overwhelming LOL

K.I. Joe
06-16-2013, 07:38 PM
I am trying to start up my operation this summer for next year but the prices to get going do not encourage you to keep at it. What are some of the ways that you cut costs when you first started. One of the worst things seems to be the cost of storage. I need tanks at the base of the hill and tanks at the sugarhouse, tanks for the RO, and a tank to transport the sap until I get a pump station going. How many gallons of storage do you need for 500 taps. I was thinking that I would need 1000 gallon tank both at the sugarhouse and at the home of the future pump station.

06-16-2013, 07:48 PM
I would get at least a 700 gallon one for at the releaser, defentaly 1000 gallon at the sugar house, google behlen country and look at there tanks, I have 2-350 gallon poly tanks which I really like, not sure the prices on there tanks as I bought mine used pretty cheap

Dave Y
06-16-2013, 09:14 PM
One gallon of storage per tap is good.

western mainer
06-17-2013, 05:12 AM
If you get a 2X8 or 3X8 as you have wrote, you can hold off on the RO this year. You have alot to do to, just getting set up this first year!

06-17-2013, 07:24 AM
If you get a 2X8 or 3X8 as you have wrote, you can hold off on the RO this year. You have alot to do to, just getting set up this first year!

That depends on how much time you have to boil

06-17-2013, 10:34 AM
I have 2-350 gallon poly tanks which I really like, not sure the prices on there tanks as I bought mine used pretty cheap

Stay away from plastic tanks if you want to make fancy. Stainless is obviously best, but more expensive.

06-17-2013, 11:02 AM
Do not listen to the thread (stay away from plastic). You can make fancy using plastic tanks and totes.

06-17-2013, 02:35 PM
Stay away from plastic tanks if you want to make fancy. Stainless is obviously best, but more expensive.

I have no problem making fancy and my woods tank is a ten year old plastic 1100. My tank at the sugar house is a plastic 525. And scrubbing is way more important than wether they are plastic or stainless

06-17-2013, 04:34 PM
we have 5 s/s tanks and 3 plastic tanks. really dont notice any differance in sap quality. read something once how sap keeps better in galvenised tanks. must be the lead kills the bactera

06-17-2013, 05:04 PM
If you plan on having a good vacuum system you should plan on 2 gallons per tap for storage per day

06-17-2013, 05:16 PM
If you plan on having a good vacuum system you should plan on 2 gallons per tap for storage per day

That is a good rule. But as everything with sugaring it depends on your situation. I would say at least 2 gallons if you cant do anything with the sap until late in the day. If you can start boiling or concentrating sooner you can get by with less.

K.I. Joe
06-17-2013, 07:06 PM
Thanks Guys, keep the information coming.....what are some of the ways that you cut costs during start up

maple flats
06-17-2013, 07:36 PM
If going SS tanks watch local farm auctions. A retiring maple producer is good, but those auctions draw far more maple producers. I have 4 plastic tanks that I use and 6 SS tanks. SS is easier to clean but both work. 2 of my plastic tanks are IBC's (Intermediate Bulk Containers or cage totes. If you find some of these they are cheap, mine were $75 each. Make sure you get them from the first user and know what was in them. I have ones that were used just once and one had canola oil (sometimes used as a defoamer) and the others had apple juice (real easy to clean) One of my SS tanks came from a farm that had gone out of business and was moving to Tenn. I got a 415 gal tank with the valve, lids and was in good shape for $100. Then I picked up a 550 gal the same at $300. I got 1 200 gal with no covers for free and 7 tanks 1000 gal at $700 each. My last tank I got from another producer but I forgot the price, but it was cheap, it needed covers and the valve hole required welding. If you keep your eyes and ears open you can find some deals. It just takes time. Most of the equipment you need can be bought used. Just be aware of the lead issue. Older soldered equipment has lead, better not to get, but if you do just be sure not to clean the solder to a shine, thus exposing the lead.

06-17-2013, 09:43 PM
Start smaller and invest profits

Greenwich Maple Man
06-17-2013, 10:03 PM
Sugaring is a lot of work and a lot o people get into it and don't last because they don't want to work. That said keep a close eye for used equipment. Craigslist etc. You can get some great deals. Plus older producers are a awesome source to learn and talk to. You want at least a gal. per tap storage. If you are on vac. you will have nights without sleep with gal. pt storage . All part of it. You don't need a filter press with 500 taps. Flat filters will do that amount of syrup fine. Might take a little longer and a bit more work but that is how you make money. Plastic tanks are fine. SS is the best but people down plastic because they are harder to clean and therefore by not cleaning them make darker syrup. If you can afford SS then go for it now . If you want to make money then vacuum is a must. Put the money in the woods . Without the sap you won't make a darn thing. Good releasers and good pumps. Tight woods. Most of all have fun and start off right.