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Greenwich Maple Man
06-11-2013, 07:24 AM
Question for everybody. I understand it that all sugaring equipment is tax exempt. Webbs is trying to tell me now that I have to file a tax exempt form. I have no problem doing so being that we are a tax exempt farm as well. I always took it thought that this was not needed in the sugaring world. I know the big companies and suppliers never have you file these forms with them. Webbs in Rutland always ask if this is for sugaring and has a "sugarmakers" account that they put it under . The issue I'm having is with another location. Am I understanding this correctly ? Thanks to all !

06-11-2013, 07:56 AM
some places ask for the form, some do not. dont know why. we keep a few extra tax exempt forms in my checkbook, just in case. you can find them on line and print them

06-11-2013, 09:54 AM
In ny you need to use a Farmer'a Exemption form. You fill in your info and give it to whoever you buy stuff from for the farm. Check the blanket certificate box and they will keep it on file so you don't have to do it again. It's pretty basic. Here's the link;


06-11-2013, 06:09 PM
Toad Hill has it right, except that paper is only good for 2 years, or so 3 different suppliers have told me this year. Also, a couple of auction companies that I deal with have been checked out by the powers that be and are being maore careful about what they let go as tax exempt versus taxable. I have had to explain what I am using some things for so they would not charge the tax. If they get audited and they dont have the proper paper work, they get burned.

06-11-2013, 06:52 PM
i put in a order with FW Webb in St. Johnsbury, VT last week and they put it under the sugarmakers account, wasn't an issue. Webb in NY is probably a little more careful since NY has strict tax guidance and collection efforts. NY State govt needs all the taxes they can get their hands on.

06-11-2013, 08:27 PM
I had the same deal happen to me in Bennington at Webbs a few months ago. I brought the NY form with me, all filled out, and they wouldn't accept it. They told me to get the VT form. No idea where to find it. Because I bought the items in VT I supposedly needed the VT form. If they shipped it to me I would need the NY form. Who the he** knows??? They just keep changing the rules to make it more difficult for all of us.

06-11-2013, 08:55 PM
I had the same deal happen to me in Bennington at Webbs a few months ago. I brought the NY form with me, all filled out, and they wouldn't accept it. They told me to get the VT form. No idea where to find it. Because I bought the items in VT I supposedly needed the VT form. If they shipped it to me I would need the NY form. Who the he** knows??? They just keep changing the rules to make it more difficult for all of us.

That is sad. Any farm equipment dealer here in VT that has needed one filled out handed me one to fill out. It seems like Webbs would have that form if they were serious about maple supplies. I would think they would need a tax exempt form when selling wholesale to plumbers.

I guess I will continue to buy supplies from a real maple dealer

06-12-2013, 05:28 AM
I have purchased from both Springfield and Brattleboro Vermont locations and neither asked me for any forms. They set my account up with 2 sub accounts, one for plumbing one for sugaring. Both were very helpful but Rod Chase (rchase) in Brattleboro is a maple nut himself and really speaks the language.
Just my experience and 2 cents

06-12-2013, 05:58 AM
I guess I will continue to buy supplies from a real maple dealer

Went there one time because they were closer than my nearest supplier. Since that time another supplier opened close by... won't be going to Webb's anymore.

06-13-2013, 01:40 PM
Who is the new dealer close by?

06-13-2013, 05:55 PM
Big Countries Little Sugar Shack
William Sisson
248 Lykers Road
Central Bridge New York 12035

06-13-2013, 07:22 PM
Not all but most of the FW Webb Locations are handling Lapierre Maple Tubing Products at this time only and is subject to change.

The NYS farm bureau has published the bulletin to assist farmers. http://www.nyfb.org/img/topic_pdfs/file_qmk3isaqdu.pdf

New York state vendors should keep a copy of your certificate on file. If they don't the fines and penalties can be huge!. At Webb most Maple Producers have 2 accounts. A maple and an plumbing account due to the difference in tax exemptions.

Moser's Maple
06-13-2013, 08:24 PM
Will at Big Countries is the best dealer. seriously he knows his stuff, and if he doesn't he'll find the answer and is more that happy to help set it up or show you how something works. we just bought our ro from him. he delivered it went over a few things, and is going to come back for our first couple of boils next year. I recommend him to anybody.

07-17-2013, 08:52 AM
As a NY vendor the rules are very clear. It is unlawful for a vendor to supply the form to anyone. If syrup is for private use it is taxable. For sale or resale it is not. Forms are only good for 2 years, and must be on file for examination. As for the plumbing account vs sugar...the plumber is also tax exempt but will likely get a discount due to volume of sales annually. Currently we are working with CDL to add there product line to our feed mill sales.
If audited fines often are over $10,000.

Hope this helped
