View Full Version : Goodbye

06-05-2013, 06:29 PM
Well kinda, with everything going on in the world i have decided to make the move to the much less populated upper mid west (Montana). This puts my family in a much safer situation along with allot more job opportunities than i currently have here in Pa. I have sold all of my maple stuff except my bottler and about 30 gallons of syrup that should last me a couple years. I want to thank the site sponsors for their support of this great site where i have learned so much and made a small hobby business off the knowledge, I'd also like to thank the people that post info and how-to's. Allot of the info i now know has been learned from this site.

I said goodbye "kinda" because i am going to check the market out where i am moving. I know there is no syrup producers close to me because of the lack of trees, so i may get into buying bulk, bottling and selling retail, Unsure at this time.

Also over the last few years i have been monitoring some of my maple trees and collecting data. When i was 12 i planted some silver maple seeds with my grandmother and have now been tapping them for the last 5-7 years. I have learned that these are my best producers for the first 2 weeks (highest sugar). Normally the first week they are around 2.5%-2.7% by the second week they are down to 2.2% and by the 3rd week around 1.4%. I think this is due to the heavy seed they produce early in the spring. I'm unsure of the season in Montana so these seem like a good place to start given there high sugar content along with there very fast growth rate. Maybe in 12-15 years I'll be into small time production again.

I am also looking at maybe growing some sorghum so i may have to get a small evap for that. NO mater what i do i won't forget the people that make this forum happen and the knowledge i learned. I may check in once in awhile for old time sake!


06-05-2013, 06:35 PM
Sorry to see you go. Whats unsafe about Shinglehouse, Pa? Just asking.

Flat Lander Sugaring
06-05-2013, 08:10 PM
good luck on the new chapter of your life.

06-05-2013, 10:38 PM
The best of luck to you and your family. I have spent a lot of time in Montana in the late 80s and I loved it. What a great place to live. Keep us all posted on how things go for you in the BIG SKY STATE.


Gary R
06-06-2013, 05:58 AM
Jason, sorry to see you go. I was just in Shinglehouse on Friday. I was doing a small maple tour and got my producers and locations confused. I really like that part of PA. Rolling mountains and trees everywhere. Good luck!

06-06-2013, 01:42 PM
Sorry to see you go. Whats unsafe about Shinglehouse, Pa? Just asking.

Nothing right now, however as time marches on the east coast is continually becoming more liberal. I'm only 10 mins away from the communist state of Ny. Without going to deep into my beliefs and thoughts the east coast is going to be a very bad place to live in a economic/social collapse. Moving to a less populated part of the country is only a small step in being safer but one i am willing to take non the less. Here is a little read if you want to know more about my feelings ( Voting With Our Feet (http://www.survivalblog.com/redoubt.html)).

The bigger part is Job opportunity. I have been struggling the last 6 years jumping from one job to another just to get 2-3 years into a company have have the job lay me off or offshore my work (current job). When we decided to move i applied two places and got a call back right away from one. Fifteen mins later i had a job offer that is equal or possibly better than were i am at now.


06-06-2013, 03:01 PM
Jason. I can respect that. Its too bad the whole state of NY is held hostage by NYC.

06-06-2013, 05:11 PM
Good luck to you! keep in touch with us. We may all need to come out there someday!! I moved once, It was further into the woods, only to find there were more problem people here than the town I grew up in! I call them LPMF's. Since this is a familly show, I can't tell you what it stands for. Okay the first two letters are for liberal puke, you can figure out the rest!

06-07-2013, 01:17 PM
I was thinking the first two were liberal police , I like puke better

06-07-2013, 08:44 PM
Jason best of luck to you and your family! Sorry to see you go.

Clarkfield Farms
08-27-2013, 04:42 PM
If you're still checking in from time to time, Jason, here's something to consider -- making sorghum syrup isn't all that different from making maple. You can grow short-season cane out there. It's not maple syrup, but it's darn good and holds its own in its own right. Too late for this year, but check into it for the future. ;)

Sorry so late, it's been a long time since I've done any regular check-ins myself!

Good luck to you all the same. We have far too many strings attached to be leaving NY any time soon, otherwise we'd already be elsewhere.

10-18-2013, 06:27 AM
Jason - I wish You the very best of Luck. Our once great Country is changing quickly and not for the best and the majority seem to embrace it.
I will leave it at that and I do understand where You are coming from. We old Sugar Makers know how to adapt and make do. LOL - Had a lot
apples this year and made mop bucket apple cider. To cheap to buy a cider press so used the mop bucket wringer (new and food grade of course)
to press my apple waste and recovered four gallons of good apple cider - which we canned in quart jars along with the apple sauce and apple butter.
The very best to You and Your Family on your new adventure in life - Have Fun my friend - life is too short not to. ------Mike-----