View Full Version : The Big E

09-26-2006, 10:57 AM
Well the big E is into it's last week, just wondering if any of you out there other than Mass have worked at your states(New England)Maple booth there,or came to it to visit the fair? I visited all of them Saturday but I should have asked before that, I will be there this Thurs night as my last night there. Met up with Eborrasa from CT. on Sat at our booth, he recognized me from pictures from here LOL, if I had more time we could have talked maple all day I bet. been making candy and cream mostly so I should be real good at it when I get my own machines... but for now I will still make it the old fasioned way... on the stove. but Man does a steam kettle heat it up fast.

09-26-2006, 11:33 AM
I worked there one night last week(my first time) and made cream and candy The pressure was on. I have made it many times at home but having never worked at the fair or with that equipment I was a little nervous. Everything worked out great. I made 12 lbs.of candy and 12 lbs. of cream plus alot of cotton candy. All in all it was a fun time.

09-26-2006, 11:44 AM
My daughter and I did the 10-3pm shift Sat, she was dolling out the maple cream so fast I couldn't keep up with filling her tubs, she had a great time and we ended up staying there longer because she was enjoying selling the cones and giving samples. yes working with the equipment was a bit intimidating at first, but got easy. I found as Lisa found that the higher temp is needed for some reason there, as it stays humid there... did you have that problem?