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View Full Version : Polycarbonate CVs... Are they seasonal or you can use them for many years?

05-18-2013, 09:37 PM
Hi folks,

I`m wondering if some of you tried to keep the Clear CV spouts for 2-3 years in a row?

Would it be possible to disinfect the CVs with alcool? Would the polycarbonate be porous like the black plastic spout?

In a nutshell, is there any reason that would make the polycarbonate CV spout only useable for 1 season compared to the regular black spout?


05-18-2013, 09:55 PM
First, this is the first year the clear cv's have been in production. Second, exhaustive research has been done over the years on spout cleaning, and nothing returns it to like new spout condition. So while I believe the polycarbonate spouts may be harder than black spouts, they're still porous enough to retain bacteria, as I understand it.

05-19-2013, 07:16 AM
Is there anyone who plan to reuse them for a second year?

05-21-2013, 05:52 PM
Do some research on the Cornell web site. You will find that at a 15% yield loss the first reuse year and an additional 20% yield loss it on the 3rd year it does not make good business sense to reuse a spout. This will give you a start http://maple.dnr.cornell.edu/pubs/2011%20Maple%20Tubing%20and%20Taphole%20Sanitation %20Research.pdf and the research is ongoing at this time.

05-21-2013, 07:48 PM
It will cost way more than the price of a spout if you put old plastic in your tree.