View Full Version : anyone interested in cheap labor?

maple man-iac
05-16-2013, 05:25 PM
I'm an experienced maple producer from Michigan working in Ohio during the week. I work the grave yard shift and experience extreme boredom during the day. I'm looking for something to occupy my spare time. I'm interested in helping someone with their maple endeavor or other farming operation. Truly anything outdoors would be up my alley. Not only do I have maple experience but, I grew up on a cash crop farm and raised cattle. I also have excavating and landscape experience. I'm not looking for much in the line of monetary compensation. I would be happy with a good meal on the days I worked and maybe a little compensation to cover my gasoline expense. My formal employment is in the Youngstown Warren area so something in the Chardon-Burton area would be ideal. Don't let this post limit any possibilities, I'm open to consider any opportunity you would be interested in proposing to me. Please present me with an offer or share this post with someone that would be in need of some help. Thank you for your time and consideration. Roger Steckly. Private message is ok or call (586) 350-7712