View Full Version : Forest fire in NW WI

Cake O' Maple
05-14-2013, 10:42 PM
I just heard about a forest fire in Barnes, WI. I know at least GramaCindy is from Barnes.

If you're reading this, please check in! Also anyone else in the area, please!

I'm praying for you, your family, belongings, pets, friends, firefighters and land!

05-15-2013, 02:19 PM
Hello all, after a VERY LONG NIGHT and today as well, the fire is as of right now causing more evacuations. I left the house last night and went to Drummond School were they set up the Red Cross Emergency Shelter. My home and many are well, others not. It is such a very dangerous time in the woods and this fire was possibly started as a "logging Incident" just SW of me. For the first hour or so the wind direction was directly out of the south but it changed directions twice and caused the fire to head this way. As of right now, the major damage is in the area of State Hwy 27 and County Rd. A. About 47 structures were lost, no one has been injured so far. They have several towns and departments helping, but the weather isn't helping at all. It's breezy, dry. I can hear as I type this the airplanes dipping into the nearby lakes picking up water to help put out the fires. The story at 8 am was that they were about 90% contained, meaning that they had surrounded the perimeter but not extinguished the fire. I just heard from a friend about 8 miles away and they are being evacuated.

Cake O' Maple
05-15-2013, 08:39 PM
Thanks for the update. So glad you're safe!