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View Full Version : My Bad - Not Pulling Taps

09-21-2006, 10:18 AM
I fear posting this, but I was bad and did not pull my taps until recently. I know I have done bad, but I just did not have the bandwidth to finish this year. My family opened the Cold Stone Creamery in Nashua, NH in April and between the 15 hour days and the 2 year old twins I just did not get it done. Enough of the excuses, Can I tap next year or have I done too much damage to the trees? I have 15 taps. Lets hope I am better prepared for the Manchester store to open next April. Now that I have ordered another Hydrometer, I am off to finish the remainder of the concentrate I have in the fridge. . .

PS we keep some dark amber "behind the stone" "For Private Use Only". If you want sweet cream with walnuts and maple syrup. . .Just ask an adult, if you know what I mean.

09-21-2006, 02:02 PM
You should be fine. I got some that I forgot a latteral line and they are still in the trees, just noticed that they were let behind, or maybe I thought I'd catch a run in July?

I think you just set the healing back a season, so your holes will be open longer.

I know in Northern Maine, they do not pull taps till next season when they are at the tree to tap for the next season, then they just pull the tap out of the old hole and push it in the new hole. And Somerset county in maine is the worlds largest syrup producing county.

In fact they don't even wash tubing, they just let the first day or twos runs, flush the lines out onto the ground and then hook them up to the tanks.

09-21-2006, 06:09 PM
Don't sweat it. I know of trees in Ny that the taps have been in for about 10 years. The maple producer died before pulling the spiles. His farm was subdivided and some of the tubing is sticking out of the trees. They just grew around it. I wounld'nt recommend it, but the trees live on.

09-25-2006, 12:48 PM
Thanks, I'll just start planning for next year!
