View Full Version : Figuring taps per acre

05-04-2013, 06:14 AM
I am looking at a potential new sugar bush and I am going to take my gps and do some measurements. I was wondering if there was a good trick to figuring out how many taps per acre to figure it would have. I thought it would make sense to measure 2 or 3 small areas that looked average for the bush and use that for my average but I have no idea the best way to do that.

eagle lake sugar
05-04-2013, 10:31 AM
When measuring a small area, let's say 50' x 50', multiply those two, which is 2500, then divide 43,560 [the square footage in an acre] by 2500 which is 17.42. Then multiply the amount of trees in the 50 x 50 square, let's say 5, by 17.42, and you would have 87 trees per acre. My description is a little confusing, but I hope this helps, Steve.

Scribner's Mountain Maple
05-04-2013, 04:26 PM
A acre squared is 208 * 208. If you squared it out into 4 sections it would be 104*104. Grid out 104*104 in a few places and count the maples inside. Then multiply by 4 to get an acre.

05-04-2013, 04:44 PM
From the NYS Tubing and Vacuum Systems Notebook by Steve Childs
A must have for installing tubing
"A valuation of tree density can be
made in a prospective sugarbush by measuring out 26' 4" from a center point in a circle,
this distance is the radius of a 1/20th of an acre circle, count the # of tappable trees inside
the circle and multiply by 20. Take several samples and then average the results to
estimate the usable trees per acre."

05-04-2013, 07:17 PM
Bring a couple rolls of survey flagging to mark the trees as you count them.

05-05-2013, 02:54 AM
The easiest way I was told was to count the trees in a radius of approx. 19 ft(I think but I'm not positive) Its the area that equals 1/10 acre. Take random counts throughout the bush, average them out and multiply by ten.

05-05-2013, 04:57 AM
I marked all my taps with spray paint. I then set a waypoint for each tap. When you up load our hand held gps the way point you marked will tell you how many taps you have.

05-05-2013, 08:26 AM
The easiest way I was told was to count the trees in a radius of approx. 19 ft(I think but I'm not positive) Its the area that equals 1/10 acre. Take random counts throughout the bush, average them out and multiply by ten.

I meant 29' radius