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View Full Version : Connect outflow from gravity to vacuum line?

05-02-2013, 07:58 PM
I have several hundred potential taps located well above and about fifteen hundred feet beyond the end of my wet/dry system. The layout of these trees is ideal for a 3/16" gravity system. I'm afraid that adding another 1,500' of wet/dry plus the mainlines and laterals would cause me to lose too much vacuum on the whole system. Can I run the gravity mainline to the end of my wet/dry lines and dump it in somehow? Using some kind of transfer tank with a float maybe?

maple flats
05-03-2013, 05:07 AM
Since the new portion will have it's own vacuum, because of good drop and the 3/16 laterals, just tie that into the wet/dry. You will not lose vacuum because 3/16 will not transfer your vacuum from the wet/dry further out, it is too small. The new sap inflow will only make your production better.

05-03-2013, 09:02 AM
Thanks, Dave. I thought about that. But one of the benefits of the 3/16" setup is that leaks only affect the lateral it's on, not the entire system. I would rather keep the mainline for the 3/16" laterals vacuum free and let it drain into a small holding tank and transfer the sap from that tank to the wet/dry. It's the mechanism for that transfer that I can't figure out. Wonder if the Bernard sap tank reverse slope siphon would work? It's pictured on page 49 of the 2011 Lapierre catalog.