View Full Version : Mennonite country

05-01-2013, 09:28 PM
Went up to Weber's in Heidelberg today to get more bottles and labels as a part of my potato seed run.

Sounds like Mennonite country was a great area to be located this spring for making lots of syrup.

Weber's have 1200 taps on buckets and made a little over 600 Imperial gallons. So that's 2 litres per tap.

Vacuum producers averaged 3 litres!

Weber's act as a depot for extra bulk syrup. They said some is for Jakeman's and for other packers. Price they said has come down to between 2.60 - 2.50 per pound.

They were also saying that some people in Quebec are interested in buying since the Federation is around 2.80.

red maples
05-02-2013, 03:15 PM
yeah but what do they do about sundays guess they leave it until monday???

05-03-2013, 06:43 AM
yeah but what do they do about sundays guess they leave it until monday???
That's what the amish do here.