View Full Version : St. Albans

Amber Gold
04-22-2013, 10:27 AM
Who's going? We're making our annual trip up on Saturday.

Since the info's not posted on their websites, what's the street addresses for CDL and Dominion and Grimm?


Thompson's Tree Farm
04-22-2013, 10:38 AM
CDL is
3 Lemnah Drive
St Albans

I have an email from D&G with the address on it. I'll try to look it up later and get back to you.

04-22-2013, 12:22 PM
I'm going---I'm starting at Lapierre, and then to Leader and CDL. I'll have the grandson with me, so that means heading back downtown for carnival rides. I hope the weather is good, so the mommies will look good!!

Amber Gold
04-22-2013, 12:40 PM
Thanks on CDL.

Mike, weather's looking good...

We're hitting Leader, CDL, Lapierre (great lunch last year), then D&G. It's a good time every year and always see familiar faces.

04-22-2013, 06:59 PM
I am heading up on Friday. Lots of stops along the way- Highland Sugarworks for selling some bulk, Artisan Printing to pick up some glass, then D + G to look at their combo arch, Lapierre to pick up cream machine and looking at a reverse slope releaser, then CDL to look at Pellet Arch, then possible stopping to look at a used 600 gal RO. Might stay over if things take longer than expected...not that that has ever happened before...looking forward to "kicking the tires"

and of course, the free hot dogs...


Flat Lander Sugaring
04-22-2013, 08:34 PM
D&G is exit 18 I think Georgia/Fairfax,
go east off exit ethan allen hwy, like 1/4 mile turn left onto highbridge road go(north 1/2 to 3/4 mile make left on to yankee park road on the right at the end. small little place but some good prices.

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-22-2013, 08:43 PM
I'm going---I'm starting at Lapierre, and then to Leader and CDL. I'll have the grandson with me, so that means heading back downtown for carnival rides. I hope the weather is good, so the mommies will look good!!
you a Lap guy going to Leader? hehehe get Randy to come out and play for a day

04-25-2013, 11:35 AM
Going to do a flyby with Lappierre and then CDL to shoot the bull with sugarmakers. Not much of interest, just it is a annual thing.

04-25-2013, 02:08 PM
Send me a hot dog from each and I'll do a non biased taste test

04-25-2013, 05:00 PM
I will try, but i doubt they get to the post office.

Flat Lander Sugaring
04-26-2013, 07:09 PM
Riding solo 3 seats available

04-26-2013, 09:17 PM
made the rounds at the open houses today after dropping off syrup at Highland Sugarworks (great folks to deal with BTW) and picking up glass from Bill at Artisan Printing.

1st stop was D & G to check out their combo pellet and cordwood arch. I am one of two people hanging around the evaporator for 10-15 minutes and not a single person was interested in answering questions. I asked a few questions of the two older gentlemen running it and got only minimal answers. The best part was watching them throw whole bags of pellets in to the fire box (plastic bag and all) since the auger to feed the pellets was not working right. If they cannot get it to work well, there is no way I am going to take a chance on that system. Next...

Headed up to Lapierre to catch up with Chris from the Maple Guys. Traded in my candy machine for cream machine. Wanted to chat with Tom about the different options with a sap lift vs. reverse slope releaser, but he was pretty busy so I figured I have time to give him a call. Very busy, long line for lunch, so I actually stopped at McDs back by the interstate. On to CDL...

Dropped membranes off at CDL to get cleaned and tested. Chatted with Keith for a bit, but spent most of my time with Samuel for the CDL manufacturing plant about their pellet arch. He is by far the most knowledgeable person I have come across about pellets. Asked lots of questions, got lots of answers. If I can afford the pellet arch, it will be the CDL. Appears to be most proven design.

Tired- but worth the trip, and actually got to listen to the Sox game for a good chunk of the ride home.


Flat Lander Sugaring
04-27-2013, 05:03 AM
well if any one is interested, I'll be wearing Black Daytona hat, Black Royal Technologies sweat shirt and red Royal tech T shirt
The bus left

04-27-2013, 03:40 PM
made the rounds at the open houses today after dropping off syrup at Highland Sugarworks (great folks to deal with BTW) and picking up glass from Bill at Artisan Printing.

1st stop was D & G to check out their combo pellet and cordwood arch. I am one of two people hanging around the evaporator for 10-15 minutes and not a single person was interested in answering questions. I asked a few questions of the two older gentlemen running it and got only minimal answers. The best part was watching them throw whole bags of pellets in to the fire box (plastic bag and all) since the auger to feed the pellets was not working right. If they cannot get it to work well, there is no way I am going to take a chance on that system. Next...

Headed up to Lapierre to catch up with Chris from the Maple Guys. Traded in my candy machine for cream machine. Wanted to chat with Tom about the different options with a sap lift vs. reverse slope releaser, but he was pretty busy so I figured I have time to give him a call. Very busy, long line for lunch, so I actually stopped at McDs back by the interstate. On to CDL...

Dropped membranes off at CDL to get cleaned and tested. Chatted with Keith for a bit, but spent most of my time with Samuel for the CDL manufacturing plant about their pellet arch. He is by far the most knowledgeable person I have come across about pellets. Asked lots of questions, got lots of answers. If I can afford the pellet arch, it will be the CDL. Appears to be most proven design.

Tired- but worth the trip, and actually got to listen to the Sox game for a good chunk of the ride home.


Hi Eric,

It was nice talking to you at CDL USA yesterday.
If you need any other info, do not hesitate to send me a PM or call me directly at the plant and I will be more than happy to answer.
If you want to make a road trip on May 17-18-19, you will be welcome at the Annual Open House at the headquarter of CDL in St.Lazare, Quebec.

Talk to you soon!

Bruce L
04-28-2013, 08:00 AM
Made the rounds with Mrs. Yesterday,arrived at Leader first,grabbed a large cart,loaded up with2 rolls of 3/4" mainline,couple of rolls of Max flo grip,check valves,etc.A few items we picked up such as flagging tape we saw afterwards at CDL cheaper,but it was one of those impulse buys you don't price check first.Service very good at Leader,got help loading tubing,finding everything,etc.Attended the maple sugar seminar,then ate lunch and checked out.On a bit of a sour note,guy at the checkout didn't know what he was doing,rather than 10 percent discount,he put quantity of vacuum gauges at 10,made for a $200.00+ error in the total,which you don't see until after they have run your card.Had to get everything refunded then,and the bill done over again,I will be watching my visa closely,if there is a discrepancy in amounts from charge to refund because of exchange rate I will be contacting Leader about some more money back.
Over to Lapierre next,looked in used tent for another released,for the prices listed on anything in good shape,I passed and figured I would buy a new hobby released inside,but salesman talked me out of buying anything,showed me in the catalogue that the U.S catalogue is higher priced than our Canadian counterpart,plus losing on the exchange rate now,so no purchases there.
Lastly over to Cdl to purchase a roll of 1" 1000' black mainline for transferring sap out of one bush.Paid $190.00 fortheroll,then stood at the counter for 20+ minutes and seven pages over the intercom for someone to come and get the roll out of the warehouse for me,while the guy was loading,he said " see a lot of Leader tubing in there", I said yes it took along time to get this 1 roll here though,to which he replied they were kind of short staffed outside on open house day of all days.Took a look at the Chinook running,noticed the front 2 partitions boiling right up near the top,next 2 not doing much of anything.We didn't bother at all with D&G,didn't have the address,figured nothing set up there to see anyway

Moser's Maple
04-29-2013, 10:06 PM
so we went up there this weekend. started sat. at leader, and by the end of the day (4pm)found myself with my father and brother in bruce's office getting one heck of a price on a 3x12 vortex with steamaway, revolution max flue pans and both rear and front hoods. wow....boy did we have a lot to talk about at the Swanton hotel that night. By the way if you have never stayed there, very nice place, no thrills, but very clean. Oh I almost forget on sat. we made a quick trip to Lapierre and from Will one a the dealers got a suggestion to eat at The Abby. WOW:o amazingly good food. So sunday we headed over to Lapierre. Well before I knew they are over looking at the Force 5 with Rejean( am I right with this name????) so here we go again.... now we are getting prices on the force 5 because of the savings on wood, but not only the evaporator, but we have found a nice ro that I wanted to get a price on. Well I went to grab a donut, and when I return I was introduced to Tom Zaffis ( now bear with me, cause I'm not one of these guys on who keeps up with who is who in maple companies.) who was working out a price for us, but what I forgot to mention is I sat down next to this scruffy gentlemen who I did know. meanwhile we were our prices from Tom this gentleman nudges me and points for a pen. I hand it to him, pay no attention, and then Tom introduces me to this person. yup you guessed it Donald Lapierre :o So knowing he does speak much english I say "bonjour" well he starts rattling off a comment in french and then I had to explain to Tom that what I just said was my limit of french. So Tom then became our translator and we had a very nice conversation with Donald. We were very impressed with friendlyness we experienced there. We went on to tell Tom if we purchase we are looking to sell our current rig. He asked us what brand, and I told him Algier. With out hesitation he explained that we had a great quality set of pans, and we should just through a piggyback with a hood, and maybe just the force 5 arch. This made my father's brain gears really start to turn. so ask you all can expect on our ride home we were working every senario possible of what to do. Went all got said and done, we are definately purchasing an RO, but what happens now is that with an RO our current rig is almost too big to be ROing to 8-10% so do we ro less or just bite the bullet and get a new rig?????? well we have list our current rig at what we think is a fair price, and if it sells....new rig for us:mrgreen:, and if not well we will happily stay with what we have and ro according to the amount of sap we have. So all in all we had a fantastic weekend, and would say if you have never been, you should try to make time in your schedule and go!