View Full Version : pre-school group to tour sugaring operation

04-21-2013, 10:04 AM
I've been approached by a local pre-school if I would let them tour my sugaring operation next season. Has anyone else done this for similar groups? What approach would you recommend for kids this age? I'm thinking of keeping the information really simple for this age group and possibly passing out small sample bottles of syrup. Your thoughts are appreciated!

Thompson's Tree Farm
04-21-2013, 11:53 AM
Keep it simple is key. Tap a tree while they are there, hopefully it is a day when sap will run so they can see it. Maple candy might be a better sample for them, less chance for spill etc. That age will want to see action so a steaming evaporator is nice.

04-21-2013, 04:39 PM
I did that this yr for my wife's first grade class and the kindergarten class, 60 total!
They read a couple books in class before they came up so they had the basics. I quizzed them when they came up.
No tapping here with my bushes located elsewhere. Made syrup, shut the blower off, sampled sap, finished syrup and then each kid got small leaf candy on the way out.
All in all it was a lot of fun and look forward to this becoming a tradition!!

Oh yea, and fire the rig... Kids LOVE fire!!