View Full Version : What books on sugaring have you read?

04-20-2013, 10:06 AM
I know that most of us use the interwebz as a primary source of information these days, and there aren't all that many truly informative books on sugaring around. At least not based on what I've seen in libraries and bookstores.

Anyway, just finished reading Sweet Maple: Life, lore and recipes from the sugarbush by James M. Lawrence and Rux Martin, photos by Paul O. Boisvert *very good ones too, I might add!* pub 1993 by Chapters Inc publishing and Vermont Life magazine. Found it an interesting read and good basic reference.

Anyone else seen this book around? Or have similar books on sugaring that are invaluable?

backyard sugaring
04-20-2013, 03:27 PM
Sweet Maple is a good book. In my opinion the best book on Maple is North American Sugar Producers Manual.

04-20-2013, 05:59 PM
When I first started making maple syrup - years ago - we got the basics of batch boiling and a pan to use from a friend of my wife. The maple syrup was kind of so-so. Picked up a book called "Backyard Sugarin" by Rink Mann and that helped for batch boiling ideas. Plus some pamphets from different sources. Then I discovered Maple Trader and that really helped. Buying my first Maple Syrup Hydrometer was the best thing i did in making a quality product I was proud of. The years pass - My Son - the machinist and my Grandson - the welder - who both enjoy my maple syrup put me on the spot. Dad - we gotta make you more efficient and build you a fuel oil tank evaporator arch and a Continuous Flow Pan setup - what do you need? I didn't have a clue and they were giving me an offer I wanted to take advantage of. It is not easy - living in my part of Michigan and finding simple continuous flow pan design ideas and how they work. With a lot of help - it was built and does work. We did make several mistakes - but - I'm making more syrup - faster. I had to teach myself - for the most part - how a continuous flow pan works. I had to separate the nice to know B.S. from the need to know information and it wasn't easy. My first boil - I was on edge but it all came together and have explained the basic differences between batch boiling and continuous flow boiling many times since. Most new Sugarmakers - like I was - have no idea what the heck the folks with the big stainless rigs are talking about and why their rig might be better then a batch pan. To this day - I have never came across a good book explaining how various continuous flow rigs work with pan design and layout explained. I guess - the makers of continuous flow pans like it that way. Hey Lady - good question You pose. -------Mike-------

Brian Ryther
04-20-2013, 06:22 PM
The Maple Sugar Book, Helen and Scott Nearing.

04-21-2013, 07:58 AM
Think I've read the Rink Mann book too, but learned the basics from doing it with some local sugarmakers who have a fluepan setup in their sugarshack. MapleTrader of course has also been an invaluable resource but I find the site limited in some ways, like I don't see (or have yet to find) a forum archive with a search engine allowing you to search for previous threads on a topic, so you don't need to start up yet another thread, ie I see many threads posted by noobs on dealing with nitre. And what if the interwebz is down and you were about to look something up or check for responses to a question.

Anyway I'm just old school enough that I like to have a hard copy of a good reliable source kickin around.

04-21-2013, 08:43 AM
the best book i have read on boiling and making syrup is, Boiling Tips 101........ this is a must read for anyone making syrup!!!!!!! I started out by visiting other sugarmakers, ,and learning how they did it.......The problem with this is..........you learn ALL their bad habits ...... this book will help anyone make the best quality syrup and how to boil the most efficient way.....

04-21-2013, 04:42 PM
the best book i have read on boiling and making syrup is, Boiling Tips 101........ this is a must read for anyone making syrup!!!!!!! I started out by visiting other sugarmakers, ,and learning how they did it.......The problem with this is..........you learn ALL their bad habits ...... this book will help anyone make the best quality syrup and how to boil the most efficient way.....

True, that's always the catch-22 when learning from other sugarmakers. Fortunately, I can't think of anything I learned from my primary sugar tutors that I've had to forget or un-learn, though it was their farmhand who really helped me get a handle on the sheeting and seeing the window when finishing a batch, which has helped out a lot. I wouldn't mind finding a copy of Boiling Tips 101, who is author, publisher etc?

04-24-2013, 04:35 AM
I agree with Brian R . The Maple Sugar Book is a good read, tells more on how it was done " back in the day". Still some good information, as well

04-24-2013, 05:27 AM
I wouldn't mind finding a copy of Boiling Tips 101, who is author, publisher etc?

go to bascomsmaple.com, look at their catalog under books. $29.95

04-24-2013, 07:47 AM
You are going to love Noel Perrin's Amateur Sugar Maker. He was a great writer and writes about sugaring in a couple of other books as well. He mentions it in First Person Rural and maybe Third Person Rural as well. You can read a lot of it on here. Click on look inside:


05-08-2013, 08:21 AM
Sweet Maple is a good book. In my opinion the best book on Maple is North American Sugar Producers Manual.

I picked up a copy of the North American Sugar Producers Manual at Bascom's open house over the weekend and so far it is the best book I have read on Maple Sugaring.

05-30-2013, 11:37 AM
The Maple Sugar Book, Helen and Scott Nearing.

I agree. Really enjoyed that one! Wife found it interesting as well.