View Full Version : enough wood for an entire winter out of 1 tree!!!

red maples
04-18-2013, 07:31 PM
So last fall Huricane sandy took down 1/2 of of a monster maple across the street and the power company took down the rest. at the 4 foot mark the tree was 4.5 feet in diameter and there is SOOOO much wood.

I have been getting through it luckily there are many natural splits in it it been going pretty good and my husky 562XP with a 24"bar cuts through it like its butter love this saw!!! can't say enough about it worth EVERY penny!!! I am trying to get a nice slice out of it to put in the sugarhouse as it is an impressive size but I may have to bolt a piece back together because they keep falling apart.

anyhow as I get it split and stacked its filling up my wood piles pretty quickly. I think I might have just about enough wood from 1 tree to heat my house for all of next winter!!! I still have a few piles of red and white oak back in the woods too. that I was thinning out last summer. but that just might get stacked at the house and aged for another year before it even gets used!!!

04-18-2013, 08:11 PM
Brad how many cords to you typically burn during the heating season? I usually go through 4-6 cords in the house. Burned about 10 in the evaporator this past season. Thinking about replacing my 455 Rancher in the next year or two. Its been a good saw Ive really beat the crap out of it.

red maples
04-20-2013, 07:49 AM
I go through about the same...(hoping for an RO to cut down on sap wood) 5-6 for the house and 10+ for the suagrhouse. I was going through big box store saws in about 2 years the motors run great but teverything either rattles apart or parts just break. I went all in and bought this baby. the Husky 562XP. Its probably a little big for my needs but worth it. It cost I think just about $800 or $750 something like that. It comes with a 20" bar but I bought the 24" bar and chain. although I do recommend the Stihl chains though the husky and oregon chain(I think they are the same) are just too soft for this saw and they get dull very fast and can over heat and stretch out badly. No issues with the stihl chains at all you can go longer between sharpenings and you just have to sharpen a little and don't have to tighten them as often.......It is FAAST!!!! It cuts through Oak, and Sugar Maple like it was Pine on the old saw. effortlessly and even cutting hard wood there is little to no vibration at all. with the auto tune carb it runs the same no matter what if the mixture is off a little it compensates for it to give it more or less air. It took a little getting used to the extra power and speed of this saw which you can feel the first time you use it, but once I adjusted I love it!!! its a little heavier as well because it has alot more metal than plastic seems like a light weight hard aluminum alloy.

but I HIGHLY recommend this saw. it saves time and energy and it saves on agrivation and frustration of not breaking down.

04-22-2013, 07:46 PM
+1 for the Huskies. I have a husky 55 I bought in 1985 that still runs mint. Couple of pulls and she is off to the races. I run an 18" bar. I think I paid something like 400 - 450 for it then. This thing as cut a ton of wood.