View Full Version : bee feeder question

red maples
04-18-2013, 07:02 PM
Well with my maple season over and taps pulled and just a little cleaning to do I am on to other things, garden, splitting wood like a mad man and getting back to my bees!!!

SO I bought 2 of the hive top feeders the plastic ones that are in a super that the bees go in from underneath to get to the sugar syrup. uh I don't think they work because the bees won't go up to get it??? anyone have any experience with these. I have used the mason jar on top of the inner cover and they take it like crazy. figured these would be easier but not so much yet With the jars I will go through 2-3 quarts a day and they haven't even touched this yet and its been in there for at least a week!!!

These ones from mann lake http://www.mannlakeltd.com/beekeeping-supplies/page46.html

04-18-2013, 08:02 PM
Has the weather been warm enough for them to take it?

04-18-2013, 08:22 PM
I have the betterbee version (poly hivetop feeder) and love them. Had a problem with bees drowning in the syrup until I found a tip to 'sand' or scratch the plexiglass guard so they have something to climb up on.

I do like to drizzle some of the syrup down inside the hole they use to access the syrup. That usually gets them 'primed' so they know where to find it.

Heus may be right, it may be too cold. However, a number of our hives are taking syrup... some haven't touched it yet though.

Enjoy the season! Here's to some more sweet in a month or two!

04-18-2013, 09:11 PM
If its too cold they won't break cluster to go to the hive top feeder. I was told to use a pail feeder instead. I think its like the mason jar but it holds a gallon of sugar syrup. Also a pro feeder works also since it takes the palce of a frame and you can place it close to the cluster. Hope this helps.


04-18-2013, 09:35 PM
We have been too cold here to feed syrup. I know you are probably a bit warmer than us. We usually drizzle a little syrup down over the edge onto the frames to help lure the bees up into the feeder.

red maples
04-19-2013, 07:11 AM
we have been very warm during the days 55* to 71* cooler nights of course but I figured with warmer day temps like that they would be more active with in the hive especially by their placement which is a wind blocked south facing spot in the front yard. I went in 1 and a 1/2 weeks ago durring a warm stretch and had no cluster at all in any of the hives a mouse managed to get in one hive so that was a little smaller I took the mouse guards off too soon I think but they were working throughout the hive. but I will keep at it and see what happens.

I like the hive top feeders better than the frame feeders because it doesn't disturb them as much. I never have to take the inner cover off. I will check out the poly feeders too.

04-19-2013, 12:09 PM
I have the same feeders and they bees used them like crazy last year but for some reason haven't touched them much this year.

I went out and watched my bees the other day when it was close to 60F and they are actually leaving the hive and going somewhere. My guess is they are getting something from somewhere even though it's early and don't need the syrup. Also if they may have enough Honey stored too and don't need it.

The feeders work cause my bees used it last year and sucked it down...

Someone on the Beekeeping Forums told me " Your bees are foraging on purple deadnettle, chickweed, henbit, bittercress, etc, etc... "

04-19-2013, 04:12 PM
although a new beekeeper, so new I haven't received my package yet, You mentioned that you never need to take your inner cover off, I have read that you don't use a inner cover when using the hive top feeder maybe that is the problem.
I also will be using that feeder.


04-19-2013, 05:14 PM
If your bees aren't taking sugar syrup right now you are likely on the right forum to find the culprit....
Maple trees are in bloom here in PA they love them.

04-19-2013, 05:36 PM
No inner cover is used with a hivetop feeder... at least the feeders we use. That just deters them from going up from the hive bodies or supers to feed. That could be your problem.

red maples
04-20-2013, 07:11 AM
These aren't new hives. I want the inner cover as they use the second entrance in the front of the inner cover they use it all the time. It also helps better with ventilation.