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View Full Version : Lastest Update to "Finally Started"

Brad W Wi
09-11-2006, 07:06 AM
Labor day weekend we got the wiring done. My wife was busy touching up the paint. We got stone put around the whole building and leveled out. Alot of just cleaning up the place alot of burning of trash from construction. I had the building inspector come through and he O.K.'d it for the power company to come in and hook up the power to it. I hope that will happen in the next 2-3 weeks. We got the 16x16 room insulated and next weekend the paneling will go on the walls. AND this last weekend the evaporator came. a 2x8 wood fired Dallaire. it sure looks good to me, now I just have to learn how to operate it. I'm used to a 2x3 flat pan. I'm moving up in the world. A little later I'm going top be posting a few questions about it on here just to warn you all. I'd like to post some pictures of the place but I don't know how. It seems like I need a web site and that too, is to mind boggeling for my simple computer illiterate mind to handle. Any tips will be utilized.
I want to take this time to thank a friend of mine that without his help it probably wouldn't have been built. Ted M. Ted's been a builder for I don't know how long and a friend of mine for a few years now. He had the knowledge and the tools to tackle this job. It wouldn't look anywhere near as nice if I had done this aloneor be anywhere near done. Again I want to take this time to thank him, but also on the lighter side he's a son of a gun to work for, but does d*&m good work, a real craftsman.

09-11-2006, 02:44 PM
Brad, You could post pictures on a website like Yahoo for free. Basically you just follow their instructions for creating your own album and download the pictures stored on your computer to the yahoo site. Then anyone can see the pictures at anytime. I hope to get a digital camera soon to update my own album. Good luck with all the new equipment and building.

09-12-2006, 03:34 AM
Sounds like you are off to a good start. You will love the new rig. And yes it will take alot of learning. But I am sure any questions you have will be answered right here. Good luck with the rest of your project. Now I hope the sugaring season goes well. Looking forward to some pictures when you get things setup.
Stay safe.. Pete

09-12-2006, 09:45 AM
Cant wait to see the pictures of the suraghouse.
That new rig will be real nice! You will love it!