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View Full Version : OMG,,,SAP Flowed today,,,Boy Oh Boy!!

04-14-2013, 06:38 PM
I never saw sap like today,,,overwelming actually.

It was a great day, sunny, warm, no wind. Around 1-2 p.m. I told my wife I was going to see the lines flow on a good day.

I went out back and looked inside one pail,,,,FULL and overflowing. Checked the next pail,,,FULL,,next, ,FULL,next,,FULL,,,every pail was overflowing full, except for maybe 3-4 pails out of 25 or so.
I was spilling sap as I lifted each pail to empty them, I was a wreck with excitement.
I have a large tree with 3 spiles, taps,,,,,it has a 5 gallon pail to hold the sap,,,OVERFLOWING !! Lines with maybe 10-12 trees, sap was a constand pour, not even dripping, pouring like a leaky faucet.

I was freaked out as I never saw this much sap in a day.

If this is normal, I tapped way too many trees. I emptied the pails on my side of the creek, 100 gallons sitting in barrels surrounded by snow. I have as many taps across my creek too, but didnt even go look at them, shame as they are all full and I,m losing sap.

I will go tomorrow and empty everything and start boiling. Just didnt have it in me today to collect and boil, kids need some daddy time, lol.

I finaly got to see what a good sap runs looks like,,,,wowzer !!

Hope everyone has days like this.


Run Forest Run!
04-14-2013, 06:46 PM
That's great Terry. I was dumping full buckets as I was taking them off my trees for the year. :( You certainly deserve a big sap day. Enjoy.

BTW, on those days when my buckets were overflowing I brought a ladle with me to dip the first few inches out slowly. Didn't want to lose any! It worked great.

04-14-2013, 08:19 PM
Those kids can run buckets and get their daddy time at the same time.

04-14-2013, 09:39 PM
Good news, glad the the maple gods are smiling on you. Send some our way.

04-14-2013, 09:42 PM
The best thing I like about sugaring?

When I open bucket or tank and see it brimming with sap, I feel exactly like I did when I was a kid opening a present on Christmas morning. I've been sugaring a long time and the feeling never goes away.

04-15-2013, 04:17 AM
Glad to hear your getting swamped with sap, it took a while but it finally happened!

I'll bet more then one experienced sugarmaker reading this thread is just sitting back chuckling to himself thinking Greehorns!!!

Good luck too ya,

04-15-2013, 05:54 AM
Looks like a hard freeze here w/ 25 degrees. Let's see if the trees will still run after 6.5 weeks.

04-15-2013, 11:49 AM
Good luck Terry! I hope there's enough sugar in the sap to make it worth your while.