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View Full Version : 2 vac. pumps on one system. Will I double my cfms?

04-13-2013, 08:42 AM
I have 2 gast 2565 pumps that I'm thinking about running on one gas engine for next season. They are rated at 21 cfms each. Should they increase my cfms to 42 if I run them into the same pipeline? I heard that some double diaphragms work against each other slightly. Has anyone tried this? Thanks.

04-13-2013, 05:04 PM
Sounds like a question for Doc Perkins

04-13-2013, 06:41 PM
Those are rated at open airflow. If you look at 20-22"hg on there website they are like 5 or so cfms. The more they pull the less the cfm's. I'm getting same 2565 and hoping it will run 700 or so taps around 20"hg. Don't know much about them doubling cfm's or not. Don't see why not????

04-14-2013, 02:47 AM
Just getting back online here. I dont see why it would'nt either. I ran 100 taps and a leaky bender releaser this past season with one of these and I pulled about 25 hgs. When the sap was really flowing it went down a little due to the increase in cfms. All in all, I was pretty happy with it. I ran it on a $100 harbor freight 2.5 hp.gas engine with power to spare. Regarding Doc Perkins " I'm not worthy!" Thanks.

maple flats
04-14-2013, 06:54 AM
Regarding Doc Perkins " I'm not worthy!" Thanks.[/QUOTE]
Don't think that way, Doc Perkins IS one of us. He is just educated more and gets to work maple all the time (so it seems). He will give you the straight answer if he knows it. No one on here is "not worthy" to get his help on a question.

04-14-2013, 07:51 AM
I said that kiddingly with respect to the enormous contribution he makes not only to this site but to the industry in general. I see how often he responds to questions here. Hope I did'nt offend.:)

04-14-2013, 08:08 PM
I have a 2565 on my 360 tap helter skelter system. It pulls around 20" most of the time. I also have a 2067 dry vane for a backup that pulls about 3" less, but still does ok. I have 15 foot and 8 foot ladders that suck vacuum. Tractor Supply sells vac. pump milker oil that works well in mine.

04-14-2013, 08:31 PM
Regarding Doc Perkins " I'm not worthy!" Thanks.

Sorry I didn't reply earlier....I don't read every thread every night. Sometimes when things are really busy it might take me a couple of days to catch up. By that time others have often given great answers, so I just don't bother chiming in if it isn't needed. That's the case here.....others are probably more qualified and have already given good answers. So it isn't a matter of worthiness......just whether or not I happen to catch a thread and how busy things are (quite busy these days). No worry though....I take no offense.

04-17-2013, 05:16 PM
Well then... Thanks to all. This site is a great resource.

maple maniac65
04-18-2013, 05:48 AM

if you want to check cfm's on any Gast pump this site is helpful