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View Full Version : sizing vacuum and releaser?

04-12-2013, 01:26 PM
so this year was 1000 taps gravity and next season shooting for 2000 on vac. all mainlines are still gravity with vacuum assist. Problem is vac. pump is uphill approx. 20' from low end of mainline... need to know if 7cfm vac. pump will pull uphill to releaser?

04-12-2013, 01:44 PM
No, you either need to put your releaser at the low point and run a vacuum supply line down to it or use sap ladders / lifting tanks to raise the sap. With 2,000 taps your best option is the first. Leave the releaser at the low point and then pump out the sap. Also, if you're going to have 2,000 taps you need to look for at least a 20 cfm vac pump as a 7 cfm would be overwhelmed and underperform with that many taps.

04-12-2013, 02:00 PM
so if im headed for 2000 taps next season and a potential 3500-4000 total i should go ahead and buy pump and releaser for expansion... 40-50cfm pump and large enough mecanical releaser at tanks to handle for now and future?

04-12-2013, 02:12 PM
Yup thats what I would do plan ahead plan for the potential 3500-4000. Speaking from experience it sucks to have only a portion of the taps on vacuum.

If I were you I would also look into a continuous releaser might as well get the most out of it you can. A twin vertical continuous Lapierre for 4500 taps at $1523 is only like $300 more than the regualar double mechanical at $1275 and the regualar double can only handle 3000 taps. I have the regular double Bernard now I wish I had the continuous.

Moser's Maple
04-12-2013, 02:48 PM
with a possibility of 4000 I would probably be looking in the range of at least 60-75 CFM pump, especially if you plan on running High vacuum

04-12-2013, 03:12 PM
If your releaser spot is very close to the sugarhouse, sounds like it may be, you may want to consider an electric releaser as well to simplify processing.

04-15-2013, 06:47 PM
i think ive resolved thing, flood the delaval pump and shim it and get releaser for 4000 taps even if i only get to 2500 next season. Now back to the woods to start laying this mess out... My system will be all gravity with vacuum assist. 1000 taps per 1000' -1" main. About 8-1" mainlines actually. Setting up with the idea of growing each season. Prob. 5-8 taps per lateral, no laterals over 75' long all headed downhill.