View Full Version : Thread " I'm still alive"

Greenwich Maple Man
04-12-2013, 09:10 AM
Please note. The choice of closing the thread "I'm still alive" was done due to complaints of the content. Threads covering personal health issues along with pictures are not what Maple Trader is here for. I would ask that all members who are going to post a "off topic "post or threads read the rules of Maple Trader. This is not a personal daily blog about our everyday lives. Thank you.

04-12-2013, 02:04 PM
This place is getting lame

04-12-2013, 04:12 PM
Yeah ok...I agree very lame...just delete the pictures DUH! Sorry if I made anyone sick with the pics try having that on your arm...

04-12-2013, 04:15 PM
Please note. The choice of closing the thread "I'm still alive" was done due to complaints of the content. Threads covering personal health issues along with pictures are not what Maple Trader is here for. I would ask that all members who are going to post a "off topic "post or threads read the rules of Maple Trader. This is not a personal daily blog about our everyday lives. Thank you.

But this is a place where alot of us have become "Online" friends and care about each other and keeping each other updated with our friends we met here is supposed to be a part of any Forum...

I'm actually kinda upset and being a Mod of the Michigan Section here I kinda wonder who's making decisions because no one gave me any posting guidelines.

I liked that this forum didn't get crazy and close crap all the time unless it was something majorly wrong.

Updating friends on a surgery is not wrong. Pics of that surgery may be bad for some then they shouldn't click to make them bigger.

Probally see less pics and videos from me now cause whomever is in charge coulda just deleted or asked me to delete the pics...

04-12-2013, 04:19 PM
I can't speak to the particular thread that was closed or the pic that prompted it, but as far as this forum being "lame" I disagree whole heartly.

MapleTrader is a great forum for the discussion of maple syrup, sugar, candy etc etc etc and the production of all things maple. I thank the Mapleguys for sponcering it I only wish I could buy more stuff from them.

04-12-2013, 05:04 PM
Looks like I missed the pics,,,DonJr,,,send them to me if you can, I hate missing anything. It is just a surgery pic,,,,I have some nursing background and will not be offended.



04-12-2013, 05:20 PM
PM sent Terry. All my pics and videos from now on will be on my Forums that I own and run. I made sections and will add the info, videos and pics later.

04-12-2013, 05:27 PM
PM sent Terry. All my pics and videos from now on will be on my Forums that I own and run. I made sections and will add the info, videos and pics later. good because to be honest with you i thought alot of them were REALLY LAME

happy thoughts
04-12-2013, 05:41 PM
Maybe time we all had a maple drink, closed this thread, and moved on. just my 2 cents, but this looks like it could get ugly. And that said, still wishing you a speedy recovery, Don :) Just remember maple syrup heals all. All the best!

04-12-2013, 06:47 PM
Naw dont bother closing it. Im done...only been 2 threads closed on here as far as I saw this season and the both were mine. Someone Obviously has it out for me and I don't really care anymore.

Ive put so many pics and videos up that have helped many learn to make Maple Syrup and been thanked so many times then some jerk like above has to make a comment like that.

Maybe thats it...greedy people who dont want more people to learn how so they can keep it to themselves.

At any rate it is what it is and I personally dont need the BS and child-like comments in my life.

Take care everyone and to the few that actuallly care about my recovery...thanks.

04-12-2013, 07:18 PM
Yeah, it's like that one - ONE! - woman in Nova Scotia who *suddenly figgered out* what was meant by a certain lyric in a Dire Straits song that has been out since 1984. So now us Canucks have to listen to a totally lame version of Money for Nothin. All thanks to one stupid person.

Sorry, MT, but I am siding with Don on this aspect of MT being a fantastic place to learn all about maple syrup. I love it and don't plan to leave anytime soon.

This place seems a little more restrictive than what I am used to - hey at my regular hangout, www.dpchallenge.com, check out some of the threads there.

Gawd ferbid, there, on a competitive-photography site, you will see a thread titled 'Yayy! The sap's running!' in General Discussion/Personal cause it's mine, and people there have been following it and my own personal Maple Gallery for the last 2 months. You think the site admins will ever shut down that thread? Or the thread someone started in the Personal thread because they were upset their cat died?

There is also *cough cough* a thread specifically for rants, like the one on which I am currently going off on, because this is soo frickin stupid. Did Don address either of the two big bugaboos, ie religion or politics? So far as I know, no.

Here there is precious little room for personal issues, which everyone has. And if I may add as an aside, far too little room for things like personal messages - a limit of 25?! Really? Sorry but that is just ridiculous.

OK, back to topic. So maybe some pics were posted that made a person or two queasy. Maybe there should have been a caution that pics of a surgery might be a little gross. That is the person's choice whether to click on them or not (and yes Don you can send them to me, I grew up reading medical journals - I've seen way gorier stuff than you can imagine.)

Is this such a PC 'omigawd don't post that, someone out there on this overcrowded planet of 7 billion might be offended!!' site? Please, lighten up a little.

Ok rant over. You may now resume your PC lives. *sigh*

Russell Lampron
04-12-2013, 07:39 PM
Another Site that I am a regular on Aboristsite.com has an "Off Topic" forum. It is a place where you can go to talk about anything but politics and guns. They do have forums for guns and politics that are password protected. If maple trader had an "Off Topic" forum anyone that wanted to could go there to post personal stuff. It works well on the other site.