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View Full Version : Homemade arch???

04-10-2013, 12:44 AM
So, I was starting a fire in my woodstove the other day and I started thinking about designing a homemade arch...

I have a Heartstone wood stove and in order to get the fire going real good I open the ash door slightly in order to get the draft really going. Once I start a fire with a small amount of kindling wood, if I open the ash door a tiny bit the draft pulls so hard that the stove goes "nuclear"....It gets so hot so fast that I have to shut it down so I don't start a chimney fire....Now, I don't say this to have everyone tell me that you are not supposed to do that, cause I already know that. The point is, If I can get my woodstove to pull a natural draft like that why can't an arch be designed to do the same thing. It sounds like a locomotive is powering up in the livingroom...Imagine how well a rig would boil if it was pulling draft like that.

My thought is that if I had an airtight arch, with a vent in just the right place I should be able to duplicate this same effect right??? Has anyone ever done this? Is it successful?

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

I've been out of sugaring for a few years and I am hoping to get back into it. I loved my oil arch, but I also loved my previous wood arch too...Not sure which way I'll go yet, but I'd love to get a wood arch that can really crank without having to have forced draft (extra noise). Let me know what you guys think.
