View Full Version : Box Elder/Manitoba Maple syrup

Run Forest Run!
04-04-2013, 03:48 PM
My Box Elder trees (otherwise known around here as Manitoba Maples) finally started running a day or two ago. In case I didn't care for what I'd heard was a slightly different flavour, I kept separate what I collected. I only had about a gallon, so thought I'd cook it up on the stove to see what I thought of the flavour and whether or not I was going to keep the taps in those trees or move them to sugars


It is unbelievabley GOOD! I wasn't expecting such a pronounced butterscotch flavour. I can't detect any maple at all, only a deep and delicious butterscotch toffee.

I'm definitely keeping the taps in and separating the sap so that I can cook up a pure batch. I'm SO glad I tried this!

04-04-2013, 04:40 PM
it seems first run on any maple has that flavor. Keep us posted to any change. i have a ton of these trees I could tap.

Run Forest Run!
04-04-2013, 04:56 PM
TreeTapper2, I agree, the first maple runs are often very buttery tasting. I've made 5 batches of soft/sugar maple syrup so far this year and all have been buttery. This, however, is definitely different. It's deeper and richer and the butterscotch flavour is very pronounced.

If you've got some box elders and your season isn't over yet, you should give it a try. Even if it's one mini-batch! You could just boil a gallon on the stove like I did as an experiment.

Diesel Pro
04-04-2013, 05:13 PM
Man we've been cutting those weeds down. You mean I should have been tapping them? We're down to one tree now.

Run Forest Run!
04-04-2013, 06:29 PM
Yeah, I've got a bunch growing in my forest that are all twisty and crazy. Those are the ones I tapped. I wanted to taste them before I cut them down. Now I've got some strategic thinking to do.....

04-04-2013, 06:37 PM
I really like butterschotch... I pulled 5 taps from unproducing trees and am gonna pull all my taps Saturday BUT I may go tap the 2 Box Elder's by my house right now and see if I can make a small batch...

Thanks for the heads up Karen...

Run Forest Run!
04-04-2013, 07:16 PM
I'm glad you saw this thread Don. I promised you earlier in the season that I'd update you when the box elders finally gave me some syrup. I think you'd feel less "post-surgery bummed" if you collected a little box elder sap and boiled it on your turkey fryer. It wouldn't be a big commitment, you'd love the flavour and you'd still have a hand in the sugaring for the season. You could collect it now, keep it chilled or frozen and boil it when you feel like a caged animal after surgery. BTW, my box elders have been giving 2.5% sugar. A couple of buckets would be easy to care for after what you've been doing so far this year!

04-04-2013, 07:42 PM
YES. a buddy of mine on his first year taping after he stopped by my place and I told him they were good to tap and he brought me some and it is very different and good!!

04-04-2013, 08:54 PM
Im so overwhelmed I ran all over the place today getting old test results from an ekg strees echo from 3 years ago because they wont do the surgery without it. I was told I owed the doc $50 and they wouodnt give me the test results without me paying it! Mind you I called them beforeI left my hiuse for the hour drive and they waited til I was half way there and called and said btw Iif yiu dont pay this 50 you owe we cant give it to yoh! Man did I tear into that office manager! She almos kicked me out the offoffice without the report...and I hardly ever get mad. Then I had to stop by work and get more paperwork. Got home and one of my buddies was here and wanted to buy some syrup and I gave him a tour of my 7 acre paradise. ..then fired up the evaporator for my last boil.

So I have a fridge in my garage and I think I am going to fit as many 5 gallon buckets of box elder sap in it and leave it til may 1st and boil it on the ole turkey fryer...sounds like a great idea!

I dont drink but sure wish I did after a day like today lol!

Diesel Pro
04-15-2013, 02:44 PM
Well I tapped mine with 2 spiles and in about 2 hrs I had a gallon. Tested at 3.3 brix. I squirted the rest of the sample in my mouth and was not to impressed. Hopefully it turns out better when cooked.

Run Forest Run!
04-15-2013, 03:58 PM
Yes the sap does taste and smell a little "grassy". That flavour completely cooks out and leaves you with a very nice syrup. Next year I'll know that my box elders run quite a bit later than my other maples and not get worried when they are dry for so much longer.

happy thoughts
04-15-2013, 04:36 PM
Karen- what happened with the tree with the red wood? Did you keep the sap separate? Was wondering if that ever gave the syrup a red color.

Run Forest Run!
04-15-2013, 05:00 PM
I kept an eye on that sap and it only ever ran clear. It would have been kind of cool if it had a magenta tint to it, but it didn't. Well, not this year anyway. You can be sure that I'll be on the look-out for anything out of the ordinary when I tap those again next year. I made one small batch of pure box elder and it turned out medium in grade. Those trees are running like mad right now, but my taps have been pulled.

04-15-2013, 05:11 PM
I hate those trees, or should I say "hated" those trees, next year I shall give it a try. Thank you

Run Forest Run!
04-15-2013, 05:17 PM
The original plan was to cut them all down, but I stopped that idea until I could run my test batch this year. Looks like some of the trees have escaped execution in favour of sugaring. Selective thinning is the revised plan now.

04-15-2013, 05:25 PM
Tried this for the first time this year and thought it was great. Someone earlier said it tasted a lot like caramel. I agree. Had it with waffles and everyone loved it!! :)

04-16-2013, 07:15 AM
I also tried boxelder this year. First kept seperate from my sugars to check taste. Found no difference, so I mixed it with the rest of the sap. The finished ratio was 38/1 - pretty much where my syrup always finishes.

04-16-2013, 07:28 AM
Hey Karen, thanks for this thread - I recall seeing you posting something about box elders and wondering what they were. It's when I saw the aka Manitoba Maple that I clicked in. Yep, like some others here I've always seen them as oversized weeds. But I still haven't stashed away my gear yet, so may go try a couple of trees. I don't think I have any really big ones, but ones that could take a spile each. Let's see what happens!

04-16-2013, 05:03 PM
Yes the sap does taste and smell a little "grassy". That flavour completely cooks out and leaves you with a very nice syrup. Next year I'll know that my box elders run quite a bit later than my other maples and not get worried when they are dry for so much longer.

How much longer do box elders run? I pull all my maple taps today, would the box elders still be giving sap?

Run Forest Run!
04-16-2013, 05:19 PM
Mine still are, but then so are all of my other maples. If you aren't sure, tap a couple now. It wouldn't hurt to try and see.

04-17-2013, 08:28 AM
I have a cup and a half or so off of 3 taps, other 3 dry. Have a stand of about 8 Manitobas all squirming off in different directions from one trunk so I've already called it OctoMom ;-)

Assuming that the usual maxim of 'below freezing at night and above freezing during the day' applies to Manitobas?

Also what are those trees that have bark that looks like maple bark but halfway up is pale grey and smoother? A poplar or something? I almost tapped some of those but realized that they weren't Manitobas, which are that ugly brown thick bark all the way up :-)

04-19-2013, 07:52 PM
Box elder syrup is our preferred syrup. Very butterscotchy. Also very light color. The absolute best topping for ice cream!!!

04-22-2013, 11:16 AM
Hi from wisconsin. I decided to try box elders this year. At first, kept the sap seperate from my sugars, but after checking the taste, I mixed it together. Sugar ratio seems the same; I finish 36 and 37/1. April 22 and still snowing but who cares! Having a great season - four runs so far and maybe one more before bud out.

Diesel Pro
04-25-2013, 11:31 AM
I made just over 2 qts today. Not bad I guess. I just filtered through a reusable coffee filter and it seemed to do well. I had it finishing on the cooktop on a medium heat and it seemed to get away on me. It jumped to 219°+ on me where with my elevation 217-218 is more like it for maple. Testing in the 63 brix range but I need to let it cool down.

Far cry from the stinky sap that I started with.

Michael Greer
04-26-2013, 06:14 AM
They're a terrible invasive in northern New York, and re-seed like dandelions. They can get huge, and often end up leaning on some garage or fence...and they always win. Feel free to hand 20 buckets on each one. They don't even make good firewood.

Diesel Pro
04-26-2013, 09:46 AM
We are down to one and it's a male so no helicopters to reseed. Agreed on the weed and useless as firewood.