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View Full Version : Mid pan boil

04-03-2013, 07:08 AM
Hello all

I have a 2x4' Wegner reverse flow pan and preheater. Pan has 3 compartments. I didn't have time to get my 2x6 for this season so making due w Leader double propane burner and another single burner set up in a line. I then surrounded them with block to contain heat under pan. Problem is my boiling taking place the hardest in the middle compartment, not where either of my draw off ports are! Now I'm sure it's because the heat more centralized in the center...


Should I try to "rig" it where flames more under one or the other draw off compartments?

I've had to stop boiling right now as I've learned a valuable lesson...don't let your propane tubing touch your hot blocks! Talk about catastrophic failure! I was reading NA Maple Producers Manual when I heard a definite change in the sound of my fire, looked over to see basically a flame thrower shooting back at my 100lb propane tank!
That'll get your attention...

Luckily been cold and enough ice in my sap to keep. Should have new piece tomorrow and I'll begin again hopefully if not tomorrow afternoon then early Friday am....

Been trying boil my sap in my finisher/boiler tank (also by Andy Wegner). Wow, what a PITA that is! It's true, surface area matters in evaporating!

Btw - Leader was terrific, they are sending me out whole new tubing setup...very friendly, accommodating service folks, Nola was terrific!