View Full Version : Freezing syrup

04-03-2013, 06:58 AM
I always pull my syrup off the heat at 220 or higher and it always sheets. To add to this it is thick pouring out of the bottle in the fridge. I put two jars in the freezer yesterday and it froze. I hear that syrup does not freeze from some of you what's up?

04-12-2013, 07:13 AM
After one week of experimenting with freezing syrup I can strongly state that syrup at 67 brix does freeze not solid but frosty like, and thaws quickly. In order to get syrup not to freeze and maintain its color you have to get it up to 68 68.5.
Hope this helps save some of you time in the future

Kyle Baker
04-18-2013, 07:32 PM
I froze a few jars of syrup to test and in conclusion have decided I need a hydrometer and I've likely never made "true" maple syrup in my life. Haha
I'm thinking of refinishing most of my syrup to get it right. Going by temp and sheeting still can lie.

04-19-2013, 05:56 AM
I froze a few jars of syrup to test and in conclusion have decided I need a hydrometer and I've likely never made "true" maple syrup in my life. Haha
I'm thinking of refinishing most of my syrup to get it right. Going by temp and sheeting still can lie.

sounds familiar Kyle, and re-boiling it wont hurt a thing

Kyle Baker
04-19-2013, 11:23 AM
I threw a bottle from one of my early batches in the freezer last night and it never froze ;) still liquid, so I guess I dont fail every time! haha

05-08-2013, 04:40 AM
I did this experiment last winter by putting glass bottles of maple syrup outside in Alaska. It looked like normal maple syrup down to about 20 below zero, when it first started to cyrstalize.