View Full Version : sugar crystals

04-02-2013, 12:44 PM
I had over a gallon of finished in a pot with a draw off. I put through prefilter and wool filter, the first 3 quarts where perfect. The rest took a while to go through filters. The 3rd and 4th developed some crystals. I waited for more to filter and shaking bag and stir prefilter some. Pulled prefilter and the assisted Wool filter some. The last 1/2 quart had more crystals and whiteish niter. All syrup was clear and not processed.
I seperated last and tested last 3 quarts cold with Hydrometer 69 Brix and first where 67 Brix.

I have about 5 different days of Near in 5 guart jars, some more full than others, also a pint of reduced but not Near. These have only been prefiltered hot.

Why would first batch have different Brix?
How to raise this up?

2nd batch, will combining them and heating up to a boil, and double filter be enough, to add to first batch, be enough to raise Brix and then process?
Not taking 2nd to 219 degrees, will it have enough water in it to raise 1st batch?
If so will I need to filter again?