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View Full Version : Using vinegar for a mid0season front pan cleaning.

04-02-2013, 09:26 AM
I want to do a mid-season cleanout of the nitre buildup in my front pan and I have a gallon of white vinegar (5%).

My front pan is 3' x 3'. Never used vinegar. Should I dilute it or just pour the gallon in and let it soak?

Any tips?

maple flats
04-02-2013, 10:00 AM
Pour the whole gal in, then warm it to about 100 degrees. I use a weed burner torch for that. After warming let it set for 30-60 minutes. Then brush it with a non abrasive brush. If it does not come loose easily, re heat and give it more time. If this is your first cleaning it might even need to be drained and then put in a new gallon. I do mine every day and it rarely takes more than 30 seconds to loosen the sugar sand. I also tried milkstone remover, but I think the vinegar works better. When done just rinse well and you're ready to go again.

04-02-2013, 10:40 AM
Thanks. I usually only clean my pans at the end of the season unless I expect to make significantly more than 100 gallons. (I hate cleaning the pans, so I religiously reverse the flow every boil to eliminate the front pan build up)

I have always used pan acid, but I figured I would try the vinegar. Thanks for the tip. I just lit a fire in it to melt the ice and and I will drain the front pan shortly.

04-03-2013, 06:35 AM
Pour the whole gal in, then warm it to about 100 degrees. I use a weed burner torch for that. After warming let it set for 30-60 minutes. Then brush it with a non abrasive brush. If it does not come loose easily, re heat and give it more time. If this is your first cleaning it might even need to be drained and then put in a new gallon. I do mine every day and it rarely takes more than 30 seconds to loosen the sugar sand. I also tried milkstone remover, but I think the vinegar works better. When done just rinse well and you're ready to go again.

Thanks Maple Flats. I poured the gallon of vinegar into the front pan and added two gallons of hot water. Came back 2 hours later and the nitre came right off with not much effort.

04-03-2013, 07:04 AM
This is my first year, but I put in two gallons of vinegar and 4 gallons of water built a small fire and drained after it cooled down. The pan cleaned up really well without much effort.