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View Full Version : mainline sizzing

04-01-2013, 07:32 AM
I just purchased a Giles Bernhard double verticle mechanical releaser. (for a steal I might add). I was originally set up for gravity lines and want to change some of my lines for next season. I cant locate the sizeing recommendations for tubing. I currently have 2- 3/4 inch runs with 350 on one and 150 on the other. I am thinking of going 1" and split the run of 350 in half. I am also going to add in my other 300 to the vac system so all of my sap will come right to the sap house. How many taps is recommend on a 1" line. The guy I got the releaser from also has 2000' of 1" brand new. so what do you think? Any and all advice appreciated.

04-01-2013, 08:58 AM
If your running your mainlines right from your releaser without a wet/dry system then you should have no more then 125 taps per line (using 3/4 inch mainline). If you use 1 inch mainline then you can bump it up to 150 taps per line. If you have the money to spend then running 1 1/4 main throughout your whole woods would be great. Short laterals with 1 1/4 in mainline will get you mega sap.


04-01-2013, 03:35 PM
Spud knows his stuff wehn it comes to vacuum thats for sure. If you get a deal on the 1" line you mentioned you could A divide the taps up to get the numbers Spud suggested or B put in a booster and do a wet dry line system depending on the proximity of your lines to each other.