View Full Version : Damaged leaves in WI

Pete S
08-05-2006, 07:38 AM
I went for a walk in the area of our woods where we started tapping in '05. I found several "new" trees, and some smaller healthy trees that we overlooked last year, now I just need to convince the "Boss" that we should "expand" our production.

Anyway, I was looking at the leaves on various Maples, and it seems that "something" is wrong.............I'm seeing browning of numerous leaves and the leaves look smaller than I recall.

I was just wondering what, if anything, I could do................noting this is just a hobby.

I'm concerned that the Maples will be dying much like our Elms and some Oaks.

We've just had a hot spell, but we've had a good year for rain, but the spring was a bit wet. These trees grow on a stoney ridge that runs north/south.


09-08-2006, 06:24 PM
I have noticed many reds and sugars in Oneida county that seem to be declining. The tops are bare. These trees are in the 6-20 inch diameter class so should not be age related. I am not a forester but it may be the past 7 years of drought coupled with worm defoliations. In any event, it is not a good sign and the trees seem to be slowly getting worse over the past several years.