View Full Version : thin syrup

03-31-2013, 02:15 PM
i'm new to this and have a question

my first batch tast and looks good but is very thin like water. i boiled it to 219 - 220 deg. did i do something wrong

Run Forest Run!
03-31-2013, 02:21 PM
Normad55, it just needs to boil a little longer. Sometimes 219-220 is not enough. It depends on the barometric pressure the day you boil.

Don't forget that the syrup will thicken up a tiny bit after it's been chilled in the fridge, but if you would like it thicker then just put it back on the stove.

03-31-2013, 03:18 PM
Buy a hydrometer. More people get in trouble going by temperature of your syrup than you can imagine. Ours comes off at between 221-224. All depends on your elevation and barometric pressure what the temp will be when it is syrup.

03-31-2013, 04:41 PM
i just made my first batch today, so i am not the answer guru, but I looked for 219 and then started testing for sheeting on a metal spoon. once i saw sheeting then i pulled it off. i only used a digital candy thermometer, might get a hydrometer next year.

Sweet Shady Lane
03-31-2013, 07:44 PM
I would buy a hydrometer and test it that way, You can still go by a temp. of 219 or so to get it close, But then test it with the hydro. It helped me get better syrup !!

03-31-2013, 08:06 PM
Close is only good in hand grenades.

brass maple
03-31-2013, 08:24 PM
thats horse shoes and hand grenades. but seriously when you reboil your syrup when it realy starts to boil check the thermometer then use that temp for your boiling point. when syrup goes from a boil to a foam you are getting close. as fire wood chopper said do the sheeting test, then when it does you know your syrup is perfect. i use a big metal grill hamburger flippergives you a bigger edge to work with. (kind of mimics the evaporator scoops). after it starts foaming with the small bubbles check it every 2 minutes until it starts sheeting. works every time! and this way you save money not having to purchase a hydrometer and cup.:)

04-01-2013, 07:00 AM
I don't play horseshoes.

backyard sugaring
04-01-2013, 03:32 PM
Buy the hydrometer you will be surprised on how much farther you have to boil than you think. If you buy a cup with it buy the 1" and the short stem hydrometer. Many times we were at 222 and still did not have syrup. Good Luck Lee

04-01-2013, 04:24 PM
Buy the hydrometer you will be surprised on how much farther you have to boil than you think. If you buy a cup with it buy the 1" and the short stem hydrometer. Many times we were at 222 and still did not have syrup. Good Luck Lee
agree,get hydrometer

Mapler Jim
04-02-2013, 01:22 AM
And horse shoes!

04-02-2013, 12:16 PM
Ya a hydrometer is on my list for next year. I find myself doubting the thermometer sometimes. My regular turkey fryer thermometer reads less then my digital thermometer. I tested the digital thermometer and boiled some water. It boils at 216ºF here. So added 7º and it should be syrup at 223º. My first boil I finished it on the fryer too long and it would not pour through the prefilters or orlon. I ended up pushing it through and got sugar sand in the finished bottles.

My next two finish boils worked better. Poured through the filters fine. Had some sugar sand in only some of the bottles:confused: Have not quite figured it all out yet....57L of syrup though to show for all the hard work.....I am going to have to start selling some!

04-02-2013, 04:51 PM
Finally got a hydrometer this year and was SHOCKED at the fact I basically had maple water even going to 219. It still tasted great and went further but 4 quarts boiled down to 2.75 before it was correct in the hydrometer.

04-02-2013, 04:58 PM
thanks for the help i boiled it to 221 on my candy thermometer and it looks good now