View Full Version : High Sugar Content

03-31-2013, 10:58 AM
When I checked the sugar content of the sap the other day this is what I saw, I didn't believe my hydrometer, so I checked it against my neighbor's and it was right, and it boiled at about a 14:1 ratio too. What's the highest sugar content you guys have ever seen with raw sap?

happy thoughts
03-31-2013, 11:40 AM
Nice! :)

I don't test my sap but was reading an old copy of the maple sirup producer's manual the other day. They mentioned 1960 which was an unusual year it seems when almost the entire sap production occurred within a 48 hour period. Many reported heavy flows of sap that was 5 brix or higher. In the same discussion they mention that on occaision some individual trees can produce sap between 9-11 Brix. Wish they were all like that! :)

03-31-2013, 12:06 PM
Funny, i've been sugaring most of my life (so far) and never used a sap hydrometer till today. The sap tested at 5%. Of course there was a lot of ice in the bucket.

03-31-2013, 03:08 PM
Never tested that high but have had a couple trees that were 4-5%. I have an old Agriculture year book from 1860 that refers to 25 to 1 for sap to syrup and 35 to 1 as terrible.