View Full Version : Fall tapping

08-04-2006, 07:36 AM
Anyone else catch the Hood Ice Cream commercial about thier New England flavors where they show some folks at a maple tree, tending to some taps and its clear that is in the fall? I just thought it was funny that they try to tap (pun intentended) into the fall foligage and the Maple tapping aspect of VT. I guess most folks would not know the difference. :D

08-04-2006, 10:26 AM
It would be funny if it weren't so sad. I have good friends that couldn't tell ya what time of the year you tap, and I appreciate their ignorance, but would never be part of perpetuating it. Some people think it comes out as syrup too, from the tree to the bottle :D

08-04-2006, 12:40 PM
Could just be poor research by the ad agency. However, I have heard of people who've tried to tap in the fall - there is a limited run of sap after the leaves are off when the temps are similar to the spring. Do a Google search and I'm sure you'll come up with some info on making syrup in the fall.

Russell Lampron
08-05-2006, 04:57 AM
I have heard of this being done before. I think I read it in the maple producers manual. The reason that it is not done by most producers is because the season is too short and unless you had 2 orchards, one for fall tapping and one for spring tapping, you would have to tap your trees twice in one year.


White Barn Farm
08-05-2006, 06:29 AM
Look under tapping on page two and there is discussion about it. I tried it just for kicks and it was fun.Some year I may get more serious about it. Sure makes heads turn.

08-05-2006, 04:17 PM
It was just funny for me to see it portrayed the way it was in the comercial. :D