View Full Version : Didnt freeze last night,,,Any Gusses ???

03-31-2013, 06:33 AM
Sap was dripping last eve. around 3pm last time I looked.

Had family over and didnt check anymore with sap or anythng sugaring involved.

My question is, could sap have run all night? It was mild, didnt freeze last night, kinda rainy here, wet day and wet last night.

I told my son, later when we go out back, the pails could all be full. This is the first night it never froze all night.

When it doesnt freeze does the sap run for a long time into the eve.?

Anyone care to guess what we are going to find later when we check?



03-31-2013, 06:38 AM
My best runs are often during that first night it doesn't drop below freezing. Trees are all nicely thawed out by dark and it just keeps getting better and better all night.

03-31-2013, 06:44 AM
Love to hear that.

Not sure what we are going to do if we have tons of sap, but will figure it out.

Hope others reply so I can plan before I go back, maybe have to bring a thermos of coffee and plan on being awhile.



03-31-2013, 08:00 AM
If the conditions are right (real good freeze before and the trees are all thawed out) you can get a good run during the day and then sap will drizzle out all night. You usually wouldn't get as much at night as during the day, but sometimes you can get an addtional 50% sap.

03-31-2013, 08:13 AM
Also depends on the size of the trees. My bigger ones are the ones that do best at night. I have woken up to overflowing buckets on my big yard tree that I emptied before I went to bed before.

03-31-2013, 10:09 AM
Hey Guys......

Went for a walk, and ya, they did run into late afternoon or eve., nothing overwelming though.

My nephew emptied pails around 2pm-3pm, normailly not much runs after that, but yesterday they continued, maybe 50% more like a PerryW said. Nothing overflowing though.

Definately more sap, if each tree normally give 1/2 gallon, yesterday they gave 3/4 gallon,,,,good news. Most trees, but not all gave extra sap.

Thnaks for repling for me this morning.

Gonna boil what we have today.

Good luck to all.
