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08-01-2006, 08:39 AM
I'm on a roll !!!!!!!!!! Three journal starts in a roll..... 8)

08-01-2006, 07:15 PM
Hello everyone, yep it's been awhile since I have been on.. lets see what have I been up to? TOO MUCH.. well back in June I did finally get that stinky fermented sap out of my pans but jeeze it sure did work...shiny and clean, I'll still do some cleaning again but it took the crud out thats for sure. I have been working on our barn inside, opening it up more.. it was multi level, now it will be all one level with my woodworking shop and a 24 x 30 open room next to it for my motorcycle and the kids dirtbikes.. and a game room(also doubling as pancake breakfast dining room) we have also been swimming alot with this unbearable heat. we are doing camping with the scouts alot and looking forward to the big shindig (YA"LL COME) in NY in Sept!... Rick(syrupmaker) and his family are coming the end of this month and we're doing a kid swap! then we'll swap back at the YALL COME.... Make your plans NOW for the YALL COME party in NY its a blast. hope to see YALL then !! Take care

08-01-2006, 08:49 PM
Glad to see you are deceased! 8O 8O

08-02-2006, 05:04 AM
At 95 degrees with 90% humidity, just thinking about sugaring is too much work. Working in the garage with a huge blower moving air around is barely tolerable, but I've got the wedge welded on the beam for my new 36" wood splitter. Started cutting out some plate steel to reinforce the beam but ran out of oxygen so had an excuse to ride around in the truck with AC on.

I think rainy fall days are gonna be much better for pouring concrete where I'll set the evaporator and moving it over and leveling it up. THe new stack won't be here til mid September, anyway.

super sappy
08-02-2006, 05:37 AM
Yesterday at work one of my helpers showed up with a new shiny red corvette. i drive an old subaru and a chevy van I even have a push lawnmower. We finished the day yesterday moving a pile of wood up a steep path then into the van and onto the sugarhouse. The thermometer was 99.1 in the shade. Its amazing what people will do for a shiny corvette or in my case maple syrup.The wood was free and I cannot say no to free wood. Going up to Grimm to pick up my new filter/canner on thursday only a little syrup left to sell. -super sappy.

08-03-2006, 03:45 AM
Not much new here, got a start on the wood, been working, tending to the garden, and thinking about sugaring. Found quite a few different sugar bushes for the upcoming season. Still working on getting sugar housed and rig, but finances are put that on hold. Planning next years garden 64'x125' hoping to have enough vegggies to sell. Farmers markets , roadside etc... Will be including syrup, and hopefully honey, and baked goods. Alot of good plans we will see if they all work out.

08-03-2006, 09:13 AM
Anyone have any pointers on pumpkins? I noticed that my oldest leaves on the vine are getting yellow and dying, but also there is a powdery mold developing on the leaves and spreading towards the new growth. I think this is the killer and not so much over fertilizing etc. I have only hit them with miracle grow a few times while watering and only 1 very small dose of urea. But mold was there from almost the get go.

Also notice the same or similar problems in my zuchinni, and summer squash. Cukes, watermelon aren't effected.

super sappy
08-03-2006, 04:24 PM
I just returned from Grimm in Rutland. They had my canner waiting just like they said. I really do like the fact that they make a deal and stick to it.No jerking around.My twelve year old son pointed out a nudie bar about 2 doors down from the store.( how did I ever miss that??????????)Been there half a dozen times and never noticed.Maple blinders I guess.A great day for a road trip. Royal Maple- If you pluck off a sample ,stick it in a plastic dag and take it to a local Agway or nursery they most likely have dealt with the same thing this year and can set you on the right track. good luck. Super sappy

08-04-2006, 05:33 AM
SS you didn't miss it before because the bar just opened a little while ago, BUT it ISN'T a nudie bar. Until March of this year there was a bar that took up the whole first floor of that building. The owner kicked out the owner of that bar, remodeled that floor into 2 seperate areas. On the left is a bar and on the right they sell porn and "marital" aids.


08-04-2006, 07:47 AM
Worked the Franklen County Field days last night. Made alot of cotton candy and hung out with some good people. Got heckled about owning a Canadien rig until I quoted my price at the time I bought compared to there price.:D All in all a very productive night. I was so good I didn't even have an Italian sausage with the works. That's tonight!!! :D :D
Not alot of maple going on here. Hurt my wrist in May and still haven't got the clearence to do any heavy work. Have my wood for next year but would really like to get on to the next.
Anyone have any good reccomendations on stand alone woodsplitters? I have a small tractor and with no rear hydraulics. Any input appreciated. Thanks
Take care

08-04-2006, 07:57 AM

I too didn't have rear aux hydraulics for my tractor. I went to JD and they have a Power beyond kit, I think it was 200-250 bucks and creates another port if you need to run hydraulics or loops together if you don't have it hooked up. Then picked up a 3pt hitch log splitter from northern tool and works pretty slick.

I know chris was selling one earlier this year. May want to check in the for sale with pics section I think it was in there. If you consider that option.

Sappy thanks on the idea, I got some spray, I'll see if that works if not I may just run in a sample as you suggested.

Jim Brown
08-04-2006, 09:06 AM
Al;I see by your post you must have a cotton candy machine? My wife has been kicking around the Idea that we purchase one and do the small fair and small festivial circuit. Have been looking to find some feed back about one, how much they cost and the ROI(return on investment).What kind of profit and expense are we talking?
thanks for any info

08-04-2006, 10:35 AM
Al, were you making maple cotton candy? My uncle had a machine, I think it sat around and then got loaned out, havn't seen it in awhile. I think they just got lazy about using it, said it was kind of a pain, took alot of man-hours for someone to stand there, and tricky making it sometimes. They used granulated maple mixed with white sugar, not sure the ratios. I think it can be very lucritive though if someone wanted to do it at a busy spot.

08-04-2006, 02:31 PM
Don't have a machine. Our county group owns it and you can make some serious change. We also used to make cotton candy for fund raisers in Iceland. After a couple of years your pretty free and clear. Don't have the ratio for sugar/maple sugar in my head but will post it tomorrow. You can bag cotton candy ahead of time. We used to do 50 to 100 ahead of time. It can be tricky to run sometimes depending on the weather. One thing is the people like the smell and they like to see it being made. We hand out small samples to kids. Parents like that. :D I pretty much stay on the machine and have someone bag it. For some reason we don't just do it on the stick. I bet it's a health reg somewere.
Jim I'll talk to our treasurer tonight and see if I can't get some firm numbers for you.
Take care,

Jim Brown
08-04-2006, 08:56 PM
Al; thanks for the reply I will be looking forward to the numbers

08-05-2006, 05:14 AM
Al you might want to walk around the fair grounds and look for someone that carries the Timber Wolf splitters. They are great machines but a little pricey compared to what Home Depot carries. They are made by a company down here in Rutland. They do have a website that shows their different models in action.


Russell Lampron
08-05-2006, 07:44 AM

I just got my NH Weekly Market Bulletin. It Has a Question of the week that asks about powdery mildew. It sounds like what is going on with your plants.

It says that Powdery mildew is a fungal disease thet typically appears as a superficial white or gray powder growth over the surface of leaves, stems, flowers or fruit of affected plants. Patches may enlarge until they cover entire leaves. The disease favors wet, warm conditions for its development.

There is a long list of remedies and practices but basically you should not over-fertilze as the mildew thrives on the high rates of nitrogen used.

Prune the plants that you can save and get rid of the plants and prunings that you can't save. Disinfect your pruning tool after each cut with a mixture of bleach and 4 parts water.

If you need to water your plants do it the morning so that they can dry off during the day.

Fungicides that control powdery mildew: Thiophanate-methyl (Cleary's 3336, Domain), potasium bicarbonate, jobjhoba oil, neem oil and sulfer.

Hope this helps.


08-05-2006, 08:20 AM
Well here's what I found out on the cotton candy machine. A good one is anywere between $800-$1000. You can go higher. A good machine is rated for four candies a minute. That's flying right along. One thing I like on ours is they put a plexi wrap shield around the front half to keep down the floaties and the cotton candy off the customers. That's extra. We bag ours. You get a 1000 bags for around $39.00 Cones per 1000 $20.83, per 4000 $75.00. They mix 5lbs sugar with one scoop of maple sugar. I would figure anywere between a half to three quarters of a pound. They start there and then add as needed. It's a little like trying to use your Mom's recipes with a pinch of that or just a little of this. :D You need 15 amp service, setup space and two people if your going to bag it. One person can do it all but you look like a bull in a china shop. I've used stands before that you just drill holes in and stick in the cotton candy. Remember to cut your holes far enough apart so the candy won't touch. They will stick together. Profit after you pay off the machine is good. I couldn't get it out of the treasurer and I really don't think they know the cost per. They just figure it's good money. I would have to figure after the machine cost that it would be roughly around a $1.00 profit per candy. Maybe less if you have to buy commerical floss. Maybe a little more if you get good prices. We charge $2.00 a bag. Of course this is a field day operation with volunteers so they don't worry to much about cost per unit. :lol:
One full scoop will do about 20 to 25 cotton candies depending on your size. We put 3 in a bag. If we did it on sticks we would make more money. You can really fluff it up on a stick and make less look like more.
My suggestion is to rent a machine and try a test run. The profit may be higher . All's I know is you see alot of cotton candy around and if they weren't making good money it wouldn't be there. :D
Hope this helps and wasn't to confusing.

Jim Brown
08-05-2006, 08:20 PM
Al; THANKS A LOT!! for the info Sound like it may be something we want to try. Looks like the vacumn pump for the new sugar bush will have to wait one more year my wife wants a cotton candy machine!

Thanks again

Russell Lampron
08-06-2006, 05:31 AM

You should still get the vacuum first. The extra sap that you will get will make enough syrup to more than pay for a cotton candy machine.


08-06-2006, 08:45 AM

Thanks, hey the vacuum pump will be here on Monday. I'll send you some pics and my results from my first upclose inspection.

08-06-2006, 11:51 AM

Need to add some pics to your Yahoo album of all the updates and changes and new stuff! :D

08-07-2006, 10:31 AM
Yes, will do. When I finally get going, I am going to try and take a ton of pics for the new sugar house, and new set up. Should be a fun project.

Got my vacuum pump today, need to set aside some time to look into it and clean it up and get it rolling.

08-07-2006, 08:43 PM
I have been trying to get my wood in and some more cut up with the slasher,,I was in the sugarhose this afternoon brushing my flues and taking the grates out,,cleaning out the ash,,,turns out last monday I tore the bicep off the bone in my left arm catching a bale of hay out of a kicker,,,<OUCH> gonna have it opperated on wensday,,never a dull moment,,Doctor says no chainsaws for a while,,I am pretty sure I will be able to stack my sugarwood with just one arm,(practiced today) with all the time off I will be able to get another 30 cords in easy :D Good luck to all

08-08-2006, 03:28 AM
Parker, sorry to hear of your misfortune. Wish I was closer to give you a hand. Hope all goes well. Take care and good luck with operation.

08-08-2006, 05:33 AM
You play a MEAN game of catch in NH. I prefer to let the wagon catch them! Seriously, that's gotta hurt, and I hope it goes smoothly getting it fixed.

I bought a welder and TIG unit this week, and didn't find out until it was paid for and brought hoime that it'll TIG aluminum and steel, but NOT stainless with the AC welder. Gotta get a DC (or convert this one to DC) before I can TIG stainless. It's an huge, OLD commercial Lincoln welder. Right now, I've got it apart to clean the contacts, wire in a new power lead and repaint it. Still gotta find some AFFORDABLE heavy gauge cables for the leads. I got 1 50 footer for the ground, but still am looking for a hot lead. I priced new, and it scared the pants off me!

The piston for the 36" splitter is at the shop for a new set of seals. That project should be done a week or so after it gets back. THe 7x14 trailer is ready for paint and lights, then I can haul all the wood home.

Busy time of the year!

08-08-2006, 11:00 AM
Parker, Take it easy if your doctor tells you so. I know it's hard to sit and do nothing. Hope everything goes well for you. Going to get three barrels of syrup today. Only have two pails left of mine. Sales have benn picking up!!

08-08-2006, 09:43 PM
Parker, I thought Paul Bunyan was from Maine?? Here in NB, same as ibby says, we normal statured people normally use a rack on a wagon to catch them. 8O :D

Really, sorry for your injury, it's gotta hurt like heck! Hope the pain is managable and healing is fast for you.

08-10-2006, 08:21 PM
got the surgury yesterday,,spent the day rereadeng "The maple sugar book" cant wait for the season...

08-11-2006, 08:30 PM
Finished the Maple sugar book,,made up a couple hundred drops,,I think I have some stuff to make up a bunch ore in the sugarhouse,,,not a bad one handed job,,,still not ready to one hand wood yet,,taking it easy,,got out the Vermont atlas,,will be heading to Jamaica cant sit around too long...

08-11-2006, 08:45 PM
Hope your recovery is speedy.

I have been getting the sugarhouse ready for the Pa state maple tour Sept 28,29 and 30. Hope to see some traders visit our neck of the woods!Great fall foliage and lots to do.
Also getting some entries ready for the local fairs. Syrup, Candy, Cream so far.
Also will enter honey products. Bees are just starting to work goldenrod. They have made about 200 + pounds of dark honey so far.

I did get my PA bear tag. so the plan is to reduce the local population by one.


super sappy
08-12-2006, 05:57 AM
Parker - The jamica area is great.If you have time and a good map you can drive to hamilton falls.(or hike 5 miles or so)There is a real old sugar house just off the road on the way. Its all caved in but there is still plenty to look at. You cant go wrong with a meal at the dam diner.Cheap and good dont waste your money anywhere else. My kids love it up there we go and just explore at least once a year.You can also camp at grout pond for free that might be a good place to recover from your injury.Have fun SS

08-13-2006, 01:45 PM
Well I was working on my camper trailer yesterday getting it ready for a run to Cape cod and then a trip to Rick Syrupmakers Ya'LL Come and a pickup truck pulls in ... And guess you strps out... Massey Jack ! Son of a Gun All the way from upstate NY. he was in the area on tractor buisness and found where we were and stopped in, I gave him a tour, showed him the messy and summer neglected sugarhous and such, all the while thinking to myself"man I got to spend a few nights in there and tidy up" 8O , also took him down to the woods and showed him the sap ladders, tubing and vacuum setup. Good to meet you Jack ! was real nice having you stop in... No if we can get him to go to the Adirondaks for our"hunting Trip".

Don't forget, The Labor day Ya'll Come is coming up!! keep an eye on Syrupmakers posts on that!

08-13-2006, 04:14 PM
spent four days this week in the saphouse bottling syrup. had very good sales at both markets. I tried putting xtra dark in glass, sold out!! You never know till you try. Got to shoot a bear with the paintball gun this week too! Did a bit of damage to the saphouse door, but he's now a blue bear.

08-20-2006, 09:08 PM
sales were great this weekend. Got a new store for my syrup and two weddings, syrup or sugars as guest gifts. Also got to add a new country to my world map. My syrups on its way to qatar. Get to go fishing this week at Saranac Lake, hope to catch some huge pike!

08-22-2006, 07:21 PM
Going to Jamica with the wife and little ones tommrow,,any suggestions on places good for young children to swim,,(4 and 8 ), and an attraction that would hold their intrest in the genral area? Thanks

08-22-2006, 08:14 PM
Dunns falls in ocho rios

super sappy
08-22-2006, 08:22 PM
Townsend beach is real nice and clean.It is also free. They have a playground ,bathrooms etc.Maybe 10 -15 minutes from jamica.Cant miss it giant dam right next to the highway its also a real nice picnic area.You can also swim at grout pond but there is not much of a beach if that is what you were looking for. -ss

08-22-2006, 08:50 PM
so where in Jamaica? are you going?

08-23-2006, 05:49 AM
Jamica vermont,,The town the Nearings lived in from the "Maple sugar Book". I went there a couple of weeks ago and saw there old stone sugarhouses and orchard,,Very very pretty country,,Want to take the family befor summer is over,,I saw a big park on the edge of town and a decent looking playground by the park enterance...the road the nearings place is on is called pike falls road and runs along a butifual brook,,,

08-23-2006, 08:07 AM
ahhh much better than Jamaica the island... I wouldn't go there again if my life depended on it!... have fun summers almost done 8)

08-23-2006, 08:13 AM
Well hoping to bottle up maybe 10 gallons or more this weekend with Syrupmaker, maybe make some candy too! gotta get ready for fall sales!!

On another note just curious for you Mass Maplers out there what you would think about our own Maple weekend .. maybe get your sugarhouse listed for a tour during some weekend in march during boiling, we don't have that right now and the idea is being bounced around.

hard maple
08-23-2006, 08:53 AM
that's a great idea

08-25-2006, 03:53 PM
Just got back from Saranac lake, been in the saphouse bottling syrup and now waiting for the sugar syrup to cool. Never been to that part of NY, it's beautiful and lots of lakes for fishing. Had a 3 ft pike to the boat, no steel leader, no 3ft pike in the boat!! At least I sold 200 leafs for a wedding up there.

08-25-2006, 08:34 PM
Hey Parker, hope that arm is healing up for you. Yikes, 30 cord one handed!

08-26-2006, 04:32 AM
Got back from vermont with the wife and little ones,,what a butiful place,,Started at the Jamica state park,{playground,,old rail road bed for hiking, west river for swiming},everyone loved it,,Found a great mexican place down the road for dinner (The 2 giingos),,stayed over at the base of Mnt. Snow,,next day went across the Kelly-Stand Road,{very nice drive} stopped and checked out Grout pond {think we will camp there next summer},,Then up Rte.7A to Pico mntn.and their summer luge slides,,(i would like to sugar that mountian :D },,Hard to concentrate on driving the slides with all those rockies around the track,,,Then off to the Billings farm museaum in Woodstock,,They have an amazing walk thru tour with a section devoted to sugaring,,I highly recomend all of the places we went,,good to spend time wth the family,just butiful country,,thanks for the suggestions on places to see and visit,,
Jugged up 10 gallons of syrup yesterday,,worked some more on getting wood in,,that is comming right along,,arm is getting much better,,doctor says i should be able to opperate equipment with it in 10-14 days,,,,,,looking forward to that,,,Good luck to all

White Barn Farm
08-26-2006, 09:47 AM
Our sweet corn is at the freezing stage and rather than making a mess in the kitchen, I fired up the gas two burner in the sap house and had steam in August! It worked out great, I was able to work on it early in the morning and not wake any one up. Keeps from heating the house up as well. Plus it was more time spent in the sap house :D

Russell Lampron
08-26-2006, 06:03 PM
Parker I,m glad to hear that you are recovering from your injury and hope that it doesn't hurt you financially too much. It has been a terrible year for logging as it is.

I too have noticed the leaves turning a bit early this year and some trees looking rather sickly. I was out riding my new motorcycle today and noticed a swamp in Maine where all of the red maples had red leaves already. It has been feeling alot like fall lately and looking that way too.

I have just about sold out of grade A syrup for the year and am hoping that the coming sugaring season is going to be a good one.

Congradulations Chris on the good showing at the fair.


08-28-2006, 12:42 PM
Spent a great 3/4 of a week travleing and visiting family and freinds. Wendsday we headed East to the brother inlaws,stayed over night at his place. Thursday headed into Mass. and visited with the sister inlaw and then spent a great 4 days with Jim(Mapleman) and his family. Great time with them as always. Ate tons,laughed lots and made some time for geocaching and brews by the fire. Made plans to and managed to leave one of my kids and swapped for one of Jim's. (My daughter is happy as well as Jim's). Figure we can swap kids back when they get here for the weekend.

Getting ready for the BIG Ya'll Come Weekend as well, clams and corn or ordered. Some how managed to go way over budget on the fireworks this year so it should be one heck of a show. A pyro buddy asked if he could bring some goodys as well and I sure would hate to deprive him of his fun at a party! He offered to bring some 5" and 8" shells so it should thump and light the sky rather well will all the goodys 8O :twisted: 8) Hope to see some new faces from the trader as well as old the ones that have been there before :wink:


08-30-2006, 07:40 PM
Been up to no good for a bit. Naa, actually still bottling syrup and doing the farmers markets. Been fishing a couple times and caught some nice walleye. Hav'nt done anything to get ready for next year, I keep reading the posting of all the wood that some traders are cutting and think I should get that done. Summer breaks almost up for the kids and wife, then I'll get busy. Hope everyone had a good summer.