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View Full Version : Fire Bricking (rear pan not boiling well, pt 2)

Maple Hunter
03-28-2013, 12:11 PM
So after 3+ hrs of scraping I finally got the rear pan cleaned up. I've included a pic of how I have the fire brick set up. I did remove the brick that went all the way to the rear and opened it up before the stack. Hopefully this will solve my troubles, but I wanted to get some opinions before I put the pans on (since they're not exactly easy to drain and remove by myself).

On another note. For some reason I'm not getting notifications when someone replies. Do I have a setting wrong? Thanks for the help so far guys.


Jeff E
03-28-2013, 12:42 PM
Are you getting good draft? you want the fire/hot gas to really move to the back and up the chimney.
Looks like maybe 8 ft of pan, you should have at least 16' of 8" chimney, and also make sure your grates are clear enough that air gets to the bottom of your fire.

There is a place in you settings to get a notice when a thread you are subscribed to gets a response. Not sure where that is, but if you look you should find it....

03-28-2013, 03:18 PM
burn a mixture of half pine/ seasoned hardwood........that pine puts out insane heat and boils like mad but it burns fast...thats why i mix in the hardwood