View Full Version : Boil happening right now !!

03-26-2013, 01:44 PM
Well, I got my 45 or 50 gallon barrel full this a.m......YEEHAA !!

I started my arch juts after 12 p.m. and had a boil by 12:30.

This is my first good attemt to figure out my GPH,,,my barrel is empty, but I have (think) 3 5 gallons in garage waiting to go into head tank, and then watever is in the pan, maybe another 5 gallons.

I am thinking I have boiled 20 gallons in 2 hrs. so 10 GPH, only used the blower no more than 20 mins though today.

I will repost later how it went, gotta get back outside. Made a coffee and a fast bite to eat, no back to business.



Run Forest Run!
03-26-2013, 02:12 PM
I started boiling at noon too. You and I are livin' the life right now Terry.

03-26-2013, 06:04 PM
Well Great minds start at Noon !!

I kinda stopped for supper and family around 4;30, stopped putting wood in at 4, had my last 5 gallons in the feed barrel, let it simmer during supper and now have it in the house.

In the pan outside I brought it to 214, then got nervous so into the house I brought it. Been inside an hour now and still away to go. Should have had nerve and let it steam off a bit more after supper.

It is in 3 pots right now, steaming up the house, lotsa windows open, nice weather here anyways, feels good.

Current temp is 215, so soon, soon, I say I maybe be filtering and bottling. Kids want to see it before bedtime so I am right on top of everything.

Pics coming soon.


03-26-2013, 06:16 PM
216......217.....216......I gotta type fast.

Couple pics so far.....754175427543

Back soon,,,,looks like another light syrup today, super yummy.

Love the fancy light if that what this is ??


03-26-2013, 06:27 PM
Ah yes, the old sugar burns on the stove top. Mine looks the same way. lol

03-26-2013, 06:31 PM
you need to do what i did.......trained the wife and son to boil when im not home........got home last night at 1130 and only had to finish what was in the front pan........2 am had 5 quarts done and botteled and was in bed........

03-26-2013, 06:52 PM

My wife would shoot me if she was allowed about the stove,lol.

Only cause we are getting a new stove, I am allowed to abuse it this week / month. It is a gas stove and hopefully I can put it on propane and bring it to the garage for next season.

I have the alarm set at 220F, staying away for a couple minutes for my sanity.

Karen, I hope you get pics later when your done too. I will take pics once I have it filtered and bottled. I have a new filter set-up, lmao,,,should get pic of that too.

Back in a bit, munchy time, fast little snack.



Run Forest Run!
03-26-2013, 07:00 PM
Nice pics Terry. I still have 5 gallons to go so I won't be making final syrup today. I've been plowing through the sap as fast as I can, but it takes a long time. I might end up leaving the last 5 gallons for another day, it depends on whether my two propane tanks hold up tonight. I have two fresh ones ready to go but I don't think I've got the stamina to switch them out tonight. All this fresh air is exhausting! lol

Mike R.
03-26-2013, 07:47 PM
Looks good. I have 100 or so gallons in the tank right now that I hope to boil some down tomorrow, and the rest for the long weekend.

03-26-2013, 08:48 PM
Had to step away from the stove for a bit.

Got more than half bottled. I used two pots as I had more almost syrup this time than usual. I filtered the first batch and then went back to the second pot, long story short, the filters didnt like the intermission and man was it slow going to filter the second batch.

Second batch is ready to reheat to bottle, I am not ready to do it, LOL. In 5 minutes I will.

Once all bottled and on display on my table, i will get a pic.

It is very light colored syrup , hopefully it shows in the pics at night, not sure.

DonJr. is boiling today too, he is so busy he didnt jump into this post yet, lol. Hurry Don, we miss you.

Back soon.


03-26-2013, 09:21 PM
Completed,,,4400 milliliters, 1.16 gallons or 148 onces. How you measure your syrup , I am happy with my first boil to get me over a gallon.

I took a pic, but flash is ruining the lovely bottled syrup, it is clear, light and DONE !!


Hope to get even more next boil, I just need more sap now, lol.

Good luck to all.


03-26-2013, 10:17 PM
Greater minds start at 10pm after a 7pm bee club meeting!

Awesome you guys its on like Donkey Kong! I have 130 gallons to get through and my buckets trees checked out at 2.25 % sugar. Gonna be a long night and ill proballly be done about noon tomorrow!

03-26-2013, 10:25 PM
Hey Don,,,,,welcome to the post !!

Thats nuts,,,Are you really going to boil all night long? Why not just get up early and start after a sleep ?

I never knew about the "Bee" meeting, I thought you were hard away at boiling, silly me.

Well, took cold meds, sinuses or cold symptoms are killing me and keeping me awake, cant nose breath,going through tissues like sap through tubing ! :oI hate not being 100%. Grrr.

Hope you get some sleep Don and all is well for all.


Run Forest Run!
03-26-2013, 10:37 PM
That's some glorious looking syrup Terry. Your total for today is just a little bit over what I made for the entire 2012 season!

I must admit that I have packed it in for tonight. I boiled down 90 litres, but couldn't keep my momentum going to finish the remaining 20 litres. I ended up with about 12 litres of sweet that I'll tackle again tomorrow with the remaining sap and anything else I gather tomorrow. I feel like I've been on my feet all day and a soft bed will feel really nice. As long as the weather cooperates and we don't get rained on or snowed on I'll ramp up my burners again for another date with the fryers. I'll easily surpass my 2012 syrup total when I finish off this batch! Can't wait!

03-26-2013, 10:46 PM
Awesome looking syrup Terry!

Karen take night quil it puts me to sleep and kills anything if I take it as soon as it starts!

Taking a steam bath right now...lov it!

Run Forest Run!
03-26-2013, 10:53 PM
Hey Don you're mixed up. :cool: Terry's the sick one in this thread. I'm just tired. This thread can now be referred to as the sick and tired thread.

Have fun with your all-nighter! You're getting some big sap these days!

03-26-2013, 11:27 PM
Ha Terry im just mixed up youre sick! Lol!

I work midnights and off cause of my arm surgery coming up and its real hard to switch back to days even if youre off!

Boiling away....looks to be going quicker too im keeping it an inch and feeding it in fast!

03-27-2013, 04:50 AM
Oh and the main reason I didnt wait til morning is at 5pm I had only 20 gallons of storage space. ..

03-27-2013, 07:42 AM
Hey Nightshift,,,,,,,,,oops I mean DonJR !

I get the nightshift schedule and how to body takes time to adjust, got it. The storage is an issue too, totally understand.

I put all my bottles away, daytime pic of clear syrup will be next batch which looks like Friday and Saturday is going to be dynomite, best weather yet if it holds up.

I need to cut some more wood judging form how things are looking. My guess is I used about 4 wheelbarrows of wood yesterday for the bit over a gallon of syrup.

Sinuses feel better today, kids are gone to "Skool", good day to get busy.

Karen, glad to hear your 90 liters lighter !!

Bye for now.


03-27-2013, 07:56 AM
I have 70 gallons left! Gonna have to get another face cord of wood in a few days ...

03-27-2013, 08:45 AM
Still at it too Don! Last weekend I ran a natural gas line out side and made a burner for my pan! So far working awesome! No more feeding wood every 20 minutes! Also never loose the boil when I get distracted wish I would have done it sooner. Well until I get my gas bill probably! Lol

03-27-2013, 09:20 AM
Hey DonJR,,getting through 110 gallons was great, wow. I have never done that much at once, maybe soon though. I boil as soon as I can keeping the sap as fresh as possible.

Hope all turned out well for you and let hope RFR (Karen) gets the propane booted up again today.



03-27-2013, 09:36 AM
Still not done but aint stopping til the saps almost gone!

03-27-2013, 09:46 AM
OMG, Don,,,still awake, yikes.

I am getting ready to go cut some tress and heard the email come in. Great your sap ran into the night, hope I have some in my pails when I go out back. I was waiting for the temp to go above freezing, around there now.

Grabbing my coffee travel mug, putting new bar oil, chain and gas into the HusQvarna and off I go.

Take care all.
