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03-26-2013, 12:41 PM
I see they've got some warm nights predicted in the long term. Meteorologists have been off this syrup season. Anyways, how much longer does everyone think we've got? I'm guessing another week or two. Anyone set on pulling taps after this week?

03-26-2013, 12:46 PM
Sap is still clear. Buds are tight. At least 10 days here.


03-26-2013, 02:13 PM
i aint pulling till the last possible moment............or the wood runs out......

03-26-2013, 06:31 PM
I see freezing nights up until next Tuesday. I am hoping to be done by mid-week next week. I might even be out of firewood by then if it runs great the next 6 or 7 days.

03-26-2013, 06:47 PM
50's this weekend, overnight temps above freezing. Gone on long enough for me. It's a record year for me... though it should be since I added 20% more taps. I'm going to go all day Thursday - Saturday and see where I'm at then possibly call it quits.

03-26-2013, 07:18 PM
This is what it is showing for my area..........

Tonight low around 28.
Wednesday high near 38.
Wednesday Night low around 29.
Thursday high near 40.
Thursday Night low around 30.
Friday high near 41.
Friday Night low around 28.
Saturday high near 43.
Saturday Night low around 30.
Sunday high near 49.
Sunday Night low around 32.
Monday high near 38.
Monday Night low around 24.
Tuesday high near 36.

With that said, just talked to a buddy down in Chautauqua County and he has swelling buds on his maples. The trees might let us know it's done before the weather.

03-27-2013, 05:44 AM
Much better temps than mine. Stick with it at least until Tuesday... but then again the forecast high yesterday was 40 and it go up to 48. That sun is intense this time of year. It was a beautiful day and the sap ran clear & fast. Right now Thursday can't come soon enough! Unfortunately I can't boil today at all.

Mountain Winds Farm
03-27-2013, 05:54 AM
17 here this morning, sap ran clear and hard the last 2 days and expect more today when we warm up.Could use 3 more weeks

03-27-2013, 10:13 AM
here in allegany county, i would think it could go until april 10-15th, the temps only show 1 day in the upper 40's and most in the low 40's or upper 30's. had 2 days of good runs on yard trees ,i am going to collect my 290 buckets on the hill this afternoon, not sure what to expect, was 44 in town yesterday but still snow on top of the hill?? definately not a normal year, good for some terrible for others(like me).

03-27-2013, 08:10 PM
17 here this morning, sap ran clear and hard the last 2 days and expect more today when we warm up.Could use 3 more weeks

Wha??? 17? I realize you're in Berne but man, I woke up and it was 34! Claimed it was 30 in G-land. Not much sap ran today. Good for you! Wish it was a bit cooler down here.

03-28-2013, 08:34 PM
I'm hoping get another two weeks at least! Had big freeze seemed like forever then had 150-200 gals sap in few days! Boiling all day tomorrow. Gonna be up all next week should get good runs. Really setting up for next season. Have 45-50 buckets (5 gal hdpe) but next season looking for at least 500 taps on lines to go w my new 2x6 (or 8?) Leader setup next season.

03-28-2013, 11:32 PM
Accuweather and Weather Channel are showing warm temps for this time next week, but the local meteorologists are showing consistant freezing and thawing temps (night and day). Guess we'll see who's right.

03-29-2013, 06:01 AM
3 nights above freezing. The locals all said upper 20's low 30's this morning. Woke up and it was 38.

Finishing everything today and hoping for another run next week just to play around (and say I boiled decent quality sap in April) with but for me when this 300 gallons is gone that's it. Should be done this evening with what I have. Don't see it running in the next few days.

03-29-2013, 06:07 AM
Last night only got down to 34º here, and that has been the first night above freezing in a long time. Was supposed to be 29º, didn't make it. Tonight they were saying 26º but this morning changed it to 29º. I'm doubtful it will get below freezing tonight either. Next real cold night is Monday night, saying 23º.

maple flats
03-29-2013, 07:00 AM
I'll keep going until the buds start popping. This is what we wait for, I see no reason to cut it short. I still have about a 3 yr supply of wood ahead so that is not an issue and if it was I have several ash trees just waiting such an emergency. I could have my grandson drop and split some for maybe 6 hrs and I'd have another 7-10 days worth ahead. (yes, my equipment will do that). I'll stop just before I think buddy syrup is next. I don't mind C but will not make buddy syrup.

03-29-2013, 07:54 AM
This is what we were waiting for. I'll run til they have to pry my hand off the draw off valve. LOL. Bring it down the home stretch!

Mountain Winds Farm
03-29-2013, 12:50 PM
chased vacuum leaks this morning and we still have 8-10 inches snow in the woods. Hopefully that will help keep the trees cooler over this warm weekend till we get that next piece of cold next week

03-31-2013, 08:43 AM
i think we have a least another week of some good runs.

04-01-2013, 09:44 AM
I'm out by the Rome area. This past weekend was great. Yesterday afternoon and today so far its been raining. Looks like tomorrow might be a little cold for a good sap flow, but Wed, Thrs, Fri and even Sat might be good. The temps at night will be right around that freezing point, but warm during the day. You can't go by the extended forecast around here, but if you could, it's saying next Sunday will be too warm, even at night. So if this is the last week, I'm hoping to make just one more gallon, from my 25 taps. The tree buds look like theyre ready to come out too. Glad summer is coming, but hate to see the sap season end!

concord maple
04-01-2013, 10:05 AM
Looks like end of week and weekend will be good again here. Next two days are highs around 32 and lows around 20, then warming back up again. Next week we will be done if you look at the 10 day forecasts. Mid 50 s to 60 with nothing below freezing.