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View Full Version : Frustrated......frustrated....frustrated

03-26-2013, 11:40 AM
I Live in Mountain, WI. The temp right now is 36. We are overcast and the trees are not doing a thing. We have some sap in the bags but not enough to collect. I told my husband I am ready to pull the taps because I can't take it anymore... everyday waiting to go and then nothing happening. We have 80 taps.
On another note I did confirm that a person can tap in the National Forest. It is called a Forest Use Permit. It is $20 for 10 taps. This is nice to know since my property adjoins the Nicolet National Forest.

03-26-2013, 12:27 PM
We went two weeks here without anything due to a hard freeze and then snow again. Yesterday they broke open and we gathered 157 gallons and today looks good also as they are running strong. They froze up last night and started to run around noon. We had cold north winds along with the low temps and today its in the 40's and sun is in and out with a cold north winds but they are running. I was about ready to throw the towel in also two weeks ago. Hang in and good luck:D

03-26-2013, 01:53 PM
I started a thread two weeks ago we have had no sap runs, picked up about 30 gal yesterday on 90 taps, as I look out my window now it is snowining,but I was out just a hour ago and tapped a huge soft maple and huge hard I had not tapped before and the sap poured out when I drlled them out,it has really been cold here so I think we have a couple weeks left Good Luck

03-26-2013, 03:43 PM
Here in Cornish, I got 40 gallons yesterday with another 12 gallons in the main tub off 18 taps and I suspect that the buckets are overflowing now. Finished off 3 1/2 gallons of medium syrup Saturday.

03-26-2013, 04:09 PM
Don't worry if tomorrow is warm too the faucet will turn on. It took 2-3 above 32 degrees days to unfreeze my trees and now I am swimming in sap!

Diesel Pro
03-26-2013, 04:31 PM
I had some drippers Saturday right after tapping. Ran about 2" into 5 gallon pail over night. Sunday slow. I'd guess today they are starting to pick up and by the weekend we'll see things get rolling.

03-26-2013, 06:35 PM
Don't worry Cindee. If our forecast is correct down here in SE WI, I would bet it will be warm enough for you guys up north to start getting some sap. It was 39 and sunny today. It's supposed to slowly warm a little each day through the weekend. You will be lighting the evaporator this weekend!

03-26-2013, 06:50 PM
I Live in Mountain, WI. The temp right now is 36. We are overcast and the trees are not doing a thing. We have some sap in the bags but not enough to collect. I told my husband I am ready to pull the taps because I can't take it anymore... everyday waiting to go and then nothing happening. We have 80 taps.
On another note I did confirm that a person can tap in the National Forest. It is called a Forest Use Permit. It is $20 for 10 taps. This is nice to know since my property adjoins the Nicolet National Forest.

Oh Cindee, Thank You for the info on tapping in the National Forest. I am very Close the the Chequemegon National Forest and the Maples that I pass on the way home each day drive me nuts…."Why isn't anyone tapping all of those huge trees," Well maybe ME! I too am soooooo frustrated. The forecast looked great today, partly cloudy, My A**! I could only WISH it was PARTLY cloudy. Gloomy again today. The temps still look good SO FAR for the rest of the week. hang in there girl. It's bond to happen eventually.

03-26-2013, 09:29 PM
"If you tap it,,,They will come"

I feel your pain, just wait, it will pay off, sweeter sap for those who wait. Maybe not true but a good thought while you wait.

Good luck.


03-27-2013, 07:20 AM
Do you have anyone lined up to help you after your surgery, hate to see any sap not get used if someone could help you and you had a way to store it until you could cook it. I showed Greg your video the other day with the sap dripping in your collection tanks at 9pm at night. Can you do a video on this set up, starting outside to the inside. I didn't hear a vacuum so if that is the case how is your system working.
BTW, we were able to collect 10 gals yesterday....