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View Full Version : vacuum on all the time?

Ryan Mahar
03-25-2013, 02:22 PM
Hey all, first year with the vacuum. Little disappointed in all the ice back up which clogs the whole system and does not really allow for good flow. Does leaving the vacuum on even with ice in the line have an advantage?? Does it help relieve the ice sooner? We have been just waiting until the ice and slush are all gone at the releaser before turning on, but by then the day is 3/4 over??? thanks for any experienced advice! ryan.

03-25-2013, 05:19 PM
Once the releaser starts to drip I will start it back up and will shut down when the sap flow stops.

03-25-2013, 07:20 PM
I usualy turn my vac pump on pretty early, well before its all thawed, after the first few weeks of the season i usualy leave it on 24 hrs unless a long freeze up comes. it seems as soon as it thaws a little bit and sap starts running thru the lines over or around the ice it melts away the ice fast.

03-26-2013, 07:13 PM
Leave your vacuum on when the temps allow or season fully begins. We normally have our vacuum pump running for four/five weeks straight, we only shut it down to change the oil. If you look at the studies/literature on production related to vacuum, it's well worth leaving on your vacuum. I know some producers who turn their pump on and off based on runs and temps to save money but they end up losing on sap runs. We run our vacuum at 25/26 inches throughout our bush and it's not unusual to get runs at night when the temps are in the high 20s/low 30s. Leaving on the vacuum should help with ice blockage but you might want to re-pitch your lines. We shut it down during the past week with temps in the negative and teens.

Ryan Mahar
03-27-2013, 03:47 PM
great advice, thank you for your time! Now have to convince the father in law to stop shutting off to save a few pennies. pretty sure the extra sap will more than pay the electric bill!!! Thanks again.

03-27-2013, 06:03 PM
If you have leaks right at the releaser it can cause ice to form there. If it is freezing at the releaser before it is freezing in the woods, do a really good leak check.